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Mrs. <br /> City Council awarded its con- nificant opposition by the Hugo 132nd St. was recently ap- Barnes is best known for her <br /> tract for ambulance service to Fire Department,which subse- pointed to the Hugo City Coun- careful scrutiny of develop- <br /> the District Memorial Hospi- quently caused a petition to be cil to fill the vacancy created by ment plans brought before the <br /> tal in Forest Lake. Following circulated by various Hugo resi- the resignation of Mr. Mike Hugo Planning Commission. <br /> much controversy,and a peti- dents.The results of the Council McAllister.Mrs.Barnes,who is Mrs. Barnes cited as her top <br /> tion submitted by Hugo resi- decision will allow for a reduc- currently a homemaker,was a community priority, the <br /> dents, the City Council re- tion in the City's general fund three-year member of the Hugo completion of the City's sur- <br /> versed its decision and indi- support of the ambulance ser- Planning Commission and face water management plan <br /> cated it would like to continue vice. Ambulance service will former employee of the engi- and other storm water drain- <br /> its Ambulance Service Agree- now be provided by those re- neering firm of Toltz, King, age issues. <br /> ment with the City of White questing the service with total <br /> Lake. The proposal to financial support being paid for McAllister Resigns Council <br /> _e the Forest Lake Ambu- by the users of the ambulance Councilman Mike himself and the rest of the <br /> lance Service,that would have and equipment. McAllister, who had served Council with regard to code <br /> provided an ambulance within the City of Hugo as a member enforcement and land-use con- <br /> Fire Hail Expansion Considered of the Planning Commission trols.While serving as the City's <br /> or City Council for the last 16 Mayor in 1986,Mr.McAllister <br /> The Hugo City Council Council is looking into the pos- years, resigned his position cited the hiring of a city admin- <br /> is considering the feasibility sibility of moving City Hall fa- from the City Council in mid- istrator, paving of City roads, <br /> of moving all fire fighter facili- cilities to that location.This will September. Mr. McAllister and ending the White Bear Rod <br /> ties into the Hugo City Hall. free up space in the current City found himself in the voting and Gun Club controversy as <br /> Currently the Fire Department Hall for permanent fire hall fa- minority,and cited deep philo- his top priorities. <br /> offices are located in a tempo- cilities.This timely move could sophical differences between <br /> rary facility, west of the fire save the City asmuch as$650,000 <br /> garage. With the acquisition by using existing facilities, as New Fire Truck Purchased <br /> of the Rice Lake Park building opposed to constructing a new <br /> north of County Road 8A,the fire station. In response to the com- $180,000, will replace a 1959 <br /> munity priority list, the Hugo vintage vehicle currently serv- <br /> C a p i to I Improvement Project City Council authorized the ing as the City's backup fire <br /> purchase of a new 1250 GPM, truck.The anticipated delivery <br /> Nears Completion pumper truck for the Fire De- date of this piece of equipment <br /> partment. This vehicle, which is late 1992 or early 1993. <br /> The second phase of the and layer of blacktop on Home- will cost approximately <br /> City's capital improvement stead Ave.north of County Road <br /> project was very near comple- 8A and 130th St.and Irish Ave. Metro Sewer Rates to Increase <br /> tion when bad weather came The City would like to thank <br /> Look for the Ci ' u of Hugo substantial rate increases for <br /> on the first of November.Work Hugo residents for their patienceg <br /> t completed in the spring and understanding during the to conduct a sewer rate analy- the use of their facilities will be <br /> I .le shoulder and ditch im- course of this road construction sis in 1992.Recent notices from passed on to local government <br /> provements,as well as the sec- project. the Metropolitan Waste Con- agencies.The last time the City <br /> trol Commission indicate that adjusted sewer rates was 1988. <br /> ii•?ii•? ::i•: ::i•: <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 1 <br />