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k..;ity of City Fall newsletter <br /> City of Hugo, 5524 Upper 146th Street North, Hugo,MN 55038 . 429-6676 May 1991 <br /> . ............................................................................................................................. .......... ..... ..:.. <br /> ... .............,..............:..:..:..,.nx..........v:.::.....:»v.:v.:::v:.::::v•., ...•.:••.•,avv.:w.,•.v:.••.v.:vv ......... ...v.:v:{•:{•:}:::?.':'}:is?v::........ <br /> .............. .......:::••:.:•.:•.:..:..........................................................:....................:............:..................,. .... .. ..,. 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By the end of April from residents regarding the tax visions,careful consideration <br /> the paper products will have been shipped to a paper recycler. classification of property and is given to providing proper <br /> I would like to thank Mr.Marvin Zahler for the removal of the its relationship to legal land stormwater runoff so as not to <br /> cans and glass. I also thank Mr.Roger Schadt and the Scouts uses. In response to the county adversely affect adjacent prop- <br /> for their cooperation in the cleanup. assessor's request, the Wash- erty owners. When improv- <br /> Many people have concerns about the brush along our ington County Attorney's Of- ing one's yard,it is important <br /> roadways. I have been contacted by representatives from fice provided the following ex- to avoid putting obstructions <br /> Washington County about cutting the brush. The cost to the planation with regard to this in drainage easements and <br /> City for cutting the brush would be minimal. The next hurdle issue. In their April 1, 1991 drainage swales. It should be <br /> is the cleanup of the cut brush. Do we chip the brush along the correspondence,they state that noted that depositing fill or <br /> ditches for$80.00 per hour or do we haul the brush by the local "The legislature has made a planting vegetation in or near <br /> hauler for$40.00 per hour? Do we burn the brush on the road decision that property is to be drainage ditches,and in drain- <br /> site? Or do we, as individual land owners, clear our own classified, based on its actual age swales, can adversely ef- <br /> -ush?These are questions I ask you to consider or maybe you use on January 2nd of each year, feet not only the flow of water <br /> .Lave a better solution. The brush problem needs to be ad- without regard to its zoning on your own property,but on <br /> dressed for reasons of aesthetics, road safety, and effective classification. Whether the the property of those living <br /> maintenance. Trash and tires found along the roadways are property is a permitted or non- upstream or downstream <br /> intensifying. permitted use receives consid- from the ditch.Property own- <br /> . We need your help in preventing Hugo roadways from eration under the valuation ers do have the responsibility <br /> becoming everyone else's landfill. Cleaning up our ditches portion of an assessor's respon- for the maintenance of ditches <br /> may deter future dumping.Contact the staff at City Hall if you sibilities depending on how the adjacent to their property and <br /> see anyone dumping. market would react to the par- should report incidents where <br /> As Mayor,I will always strive to make the City of Hugo ticular situation. Thus, even others are altering the flow of <br /> a place we can be proud of.I hope and pray that we,as citizens though the activity is not tech- water by altering the ditch. <br /> of Hugo, will unite for the betterment of our town. Your nically permitted under a local Please be considerate of your <br /> comments,suggestions,and ideas are always welcome. Con- zoningordinance,it will be clas- neighbors and others in the <br /> tact myself or your Council representative. sified based on its actual use community who might be ad- <br /> In closing I would like to thank the many residents who and valued based on market versely affected by your ac- <br /> have given their support, encouragement, and help during considerations.Simplybecause tions. <br /> my early days in office. I would also like to thank the staff for the assessor's office classifies a <br /> their patience and guidance as new people at City Hall. portion of property as commer- Moving? <br /> Mayor Wally Stoltzman cial,does not change its zoning If you are selling your home <br /> classification, or for that mat- or have recently moved into a <br /> ter, entitle the owner home served by City sewer,wa- <br /> Good Neighbor Days "grandfathered rights". Al- ter,or both,please contact Hugo <br /> though classification and valu- City Hall so that the utility bill <br /> The annual summer get-together of Hugo residents for ation activities are distinct from can be changed to the appropriate <br /> "Good Neighbor Days"has been set for June 7,8, and 9th of one another,neither activity au- person's name. A final reading <br /> this year. You are encouraged to get involved, meet your tomatically changes the under- can be done on or near the time <br /> eighbors, and make some new friends. For more detailed lying zoningclassification of the you will be moving from the resi- <br /> information on Good Neighbor Days,please contact Mr.Joe property,or turns what would dence. If you have any questions <br /> Vignalo at 483-4505,evenings. otherwise be an illegal use,into regarding this service,please con- <br /> a legal,nonconforming use. tact City Hall at 429-6676. <br /> ::.:w.v::.w.v:::::.v::::::•:•::.v:::•.:w::::::::::•:•:•: ::.w:::::.v:::.v.,•.:w:.,:•.:::w.v.v•:• .[. �': <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 1 <br />