hauling wood to the rail- gland, July 19, 1848, and Township appear to have an
<br /> A Little History road in the winter time. came to America in 1852 interesting history,but a lack
<br /> Then in the spring the rail- with his parents who settled of material in this area seems
<br /> by Ron original
<br /> road would saw it into con- in Kingston,Ontario;he was to indicate that historical in-
<br /> Theoriginal village site venient lengths for use. All a marine engineer on the terest is very low. With re
<br /> now part sted of the City approxi- of the trains stopped here to Great Lakes from 1869 to sources such as the City
<br /> Hugoconsquare miles. refuel and their crews 1881; settled in Duluth in Newsletter,we are encour-
<br /> mately 3 square miles. In would load up the fuel cars. 1882, and was chief engi- aging City residents to get
<br /> nex the City of Hugo ip, In 1906 the 250 people in the neer of the Consolidated involved in documenting
<br /> nexed Oneka Township, Centerville Station area de- Elevator Company,the larg- the area's past.Of particular
<br /> expanding to 36 square cided to incorporate as a vil- est such company in the interest to the City is further
<br /> Onekamiles. The Township of lage. On April 6, 1906 the United States at that time. information regarding the
<br /> Washington
<br /> was organized by original village limits were He was mayor of Duluth City's name and its history.
<br /> Washington County on surveyed and platted. This from 1900 to 1904." To assist us in this effort,we
<br /> ng September 9,1870.Accord-library of the Uni- was the beginning of a new Upon filing the articles are requesting that anyone
<br /> guageto the staff at the Ian- community. However, the of incorporation with the with photographs or docu-
<br /> confusion arising in the de- Secretary of State,the Wash- mented information that
<br /> namevarsity of Minnesota, the livery of mail to Centerville ington County Board of will add to tracing the his-
<br /> of
<br /> the
<br /> Oneka is a derivative in Anoka County, three Commissioners appointed tory of Hugo would be ap-
<br /> of the Dakota o ing the
<br /> miles away, and to three official election judges, preciated. The City of Hugo
<br /> which means"striking the Centerville Station, and the first village election would like to establish a
<br /> rice into the canoe". Rice prompted the U.S. Postal was held on September 8. depository for historical in-
<br /> ter
<br /> near the cep
<br /> ter of Service to request that the 1906.Elected Council Presi- formation at the City Hall.
<br /> ter of the then township,, village be incorporated un- dent was Mr.Frank Heney. Anyone wishing to contrib-
<br /> had long been the resort der a different name. Thus Village Trustees were Jo- ute to the City's efforts in
<br /> a band of Indians fromm the villagers incorporated seph Carpenter, Lewis this area can do so by con-
<br /> Mendota, who went there under the name of Hugo. Patrin, and Frank Muller. tacting the City Finance Di-
<br /> every summer bringing Why this name was chosen The Village Treasurer was rector, Ron Otkin, at 429-
<br /> Di-
<br /> with them from 8 to 12 gives rise to some confu- B.R. Kellogg, the Village 6676. Copying capabilities
<br /> lodges; where they gasion. Research has led to Clerk was Thomas are available at City Hall on
<br /> ered rice during the sum-
<br /> - two theories astohow Hu o Fursman Justice of the
<br /> mer,which the sold in St. g a limited basis.
<br /> y got its name.According to a Peace, Frank Deringer and
<br /> Paul. hand written manuscript by Nicholas Muller. The first Roads Project set
<br /> The St. Paul and Mrs. C. Vail, in May 1946, village constables were Art for June
<br /> Duluth Railroad (later the village acquired its name Boisert and F.L. Kellogg.
<br /> called the Northern Pacific from. having a predomi- Over the next 66 years, the The CityCouncilwill re-
<br /> Railroad),wasconstructed nantly French population City continued to exist as a ceive bids on May 7th and
<br /> through the area Mrs.. and in honor of the noted small farming and railroad award a contract for the
<br /> Ten years later Mrs.
<br /> writer,Victor Hugo. community. In 1972, the City's Capital Improvement
<br /> Francois i opened a This assertion conflicts with Township of Oneka was Project,Phase II on May 20.
<br /> general stoarerealong the rail- that of Warren Upman. In consolidated with the Vil- The City is anticipating a
<br /> road, 3 miles east of his book on Minnesota eo- la e of Hugo. Township Centerville,and in 1880 she g g g p June start date for construc-
<br /> graphic names and their government, which had tion with a late October,
<br /> donated land for the site of origin, the following para- served the area for over 100
<br /> the first depot. In return graph appears: "Huo, a years, was dissolved. The earlyNovembercompletion
<br /> she was given a free, life- village of the St. Paul and new government consisting date.Those living on roads
<br /> time railroad pass. Due to Duluth.Railroad in Oneka of a mayor and four council to be improved will experi-
<br /> the proximity of the depot Township, was formerly members elected in 1971, ence some inconvenience
<br /> to Centerville,the area was called Centerville Station, was instituted to govern the during the course of con-
<br /> commonly known as for the adjoining township entire 36 square miles of the struction, and we are re-
<br /> Centerville Station. Since and village of Anoka City. Hugo's growth has questing your patience and
<br /> the engines on the railroad County; but was renamed been substantial over the understanding during this
<br /> needed fuel,many families in honor of Trevanian Wil- last few years. In 1990 the period.
<br /> in the area enhanced their liam Hugo,of Duluth. He U.S. Census Bureau indi-
<br /> incomes by cutting and was born in Cornwall, En- cated a population of 4,417.
<br /> The near-term growth for Dial 911
<br /> City Staff the City appears to be in for emergencies
<br /> Ken Huber...................................... City Administrator residential housing, al- 439-9381
<br /> John Benson.....................................Building Inspector though manufacturing com- for other law
<br /> Mary Ann Creager ................................ panies located in two small. City Clerk industrial parks, provide enforcement
<br /> Carole LaBelle....... DeputyClerk jobs for area residents.The services
<br /> Ron Otkin........................................... Finance Director City of Hugo and Oneka
<br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 2
<br />