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City Completes City meetings City conducts Homestead Credit <br /> Park Acquisition to be televised garbage survey in jeopardy <br /> Utilizing park acquisition One of the proposals re- <br /> .inds,as well as financing from Beginning April 15, 1991, At the direction of the <br /> the Washington County Hous- meetings of the Hugo City Council Hugo City Council,a survey was cantly suggested Governor <br /> ing and Development Author- will be televised on Cable Channel conducted to determine how Carlson for the balaann cing of the <br /> ity,the City completed acquisi- #64. City Planning Commission many residences in the City of States budget has been to reduce <br /> tion of Rice Lake Park.The 70 meetings will also be televised. Hugo contract for garbage ser- theamo cites.of Although <br /> 1agcred- <br /> acre park in question was pre- The City Council meets on the 1st vice and recycle on a regular Paid to cities. Although home- <br /> viously owned by the White and 3rd Mondays of each month at basis. Results of this survey stead credit does not directly af- <br /> Bear Rod and Gun Club. The 7:00 PM,and the Planning Com- indicate that of the 1424 house- dict the budget n the City,it has a <br /> City's efforts not only expands mission meets on the 4th Wednes- holds in the City, 902 house- direct impact on what portion of <br /> its park system,but brings to an day of each month at 7:00 PM.For holds contract for regular gar- Your taxes is paid by you, and <br /> end the City's 18 year old court those interested in finding out more bage service,while 522 house- what portion is paid by the State of <br /> battle with the White Bear Rod about what's going on in your City, holds dispose of their garbage Minnesota. For the last several <br /> and Gun Club. The City com- tune in on Channel 64. and refuse in some other man- Years,there has been a freeze on <br /> plated purchase of the park in ner. Of the 902 households con- homestead credit distributed to <br /> late December and took pos- tracting for garbage service,less municipalities,and the Governor, <br /> session of the property on May Compost site than 300 are involved in recy- With certain legislators,is discuss- <br /> 1,1991.Plans for future use of cling on a regular basis. In re- ing the elimination of homestead <br /> this facility will be discussed hours revised viewing the results of this sur- credit all together. The best way <br /> by the City Council some time The City of Hugo opened its vey,the City Council indicated. to understand the impact of this <br /> in the future. compost site for use by the general its desire to encourage Hugore-si- change by the legislature, is to <br /> public on April 6, 1991. The site, dents to properly dispose of their look at your property tax state- <br /> which is located on 170th Street garbage and refuse on a regular ment,find the line item identify- <br /> City Councilwhich <br /> .8 miles west of basis, and that garbage haulers <br /> ing homesteadcredit,andyouwill <br /> writes Legislature Highway 61,will be opened dur- operating in the City of Hugo see the amount of money that is <br /> in the following hours unless Provide more recycling options currently being paid by the State <br /> Earlier this year,the Hugo g g t that may be paid by you in the <br /> "ity Council sent atwo-page raining): Wednesday - 1:30 PM and incentives to promote abet- future. We strongly recommend <br /> _ztter to the Governor and the until PM,Saturday-9:00 AM ter response to the recycling ef- <br /> until 4:30 PM,and Sunda 1:00 forts in this area. With the clos- that all property owners contact <br /> Minnesota Legislature regard- Y- their local legislators, and indi- <br /> ing the State's financial di- PM until 6:00 PM. The City ac- ing of the City's drop-off recy- our concern cate regarding the <br /> lemma. In summary,the City cepts leaves and grass at the com- cling center last year, the City Y g g <br /> Council suggested that the State Post site. Brush is not being ac- has no recycling program other loss of homestead credit and <br /> do what cities do when they run cepted at this time. than that being made available local government aids in the fu- <br /> out of revenue, "Stop Spend- through garbage haulers operat- ture. <br /> ing!" rather than looking for ing in the City. <br /> new sources of tax revenue. It Burning permits Council makes Planning <br /> would appear that the legisla- <br /> ture has read the"pulse of the required Commission appointments <br /> people",and they feel such that <br /> the public has given them a Anyone wishing to burn ap- Earlier this year,the City Council added two new members to <br /> blank check to spend whatever Proved materials in the City of the Hugo Planning Commission.The new appointments are Theodora <br /> they wish for K-12 education, Hugo must first secure a permit Peltier and Mr. Dan Davis. Mrs. Peltier was chosen by Mayor <br /> environmental protection, and from the City's Fire Dept. It is the Stoltzman to serve as Chairperson for the 1991 calendar year. Other <br /> health/welfare programs. De- responsibility of each individual members of the Planning Commission are Mrs.Debra Barnes,Mrs. <br /> spite claims by Governor who burns in the City to keep fires Gail Thoreson, Mr. Chuck Henry,Mr. Bill Mezzano,and Mr. Bob <br /> Carlson in earlier years that under control at all times. In cases Oswald. The Hugo Planning Commission serves in an advisory role <br /> City's provide the best service- where individuals have lost con- to the City Council on land-use issues. <br /> delivery system of all govern- trol of burn situations,resulting in <br /> ment agencies,City's will now a call-out of the City's Fire Dept., <br /> take the brunt of the spending the courts have been awarding dam- Council Members <br /> cutbacks necessary to balance ages to the City, in an amount to Wally Stoltzman.........................................................Mayor <br /> the State's budget. cover the cost of fighting the fire. Bernie Brunotte .........................................................Ward 1 <br /> TomJesinski...............................................................Ward 2 <br /> FranMiron.................................................................Ward 3 <br /> Mike McAllister......................................................At Large <br /> •:•. ......,,�.,•::::.:•:.:•:.„:•.:•.y:::.::..v::•.•:•}:}}:::•:ti•::•:•}::•:`:..:1:titi•.':ti•}:tiff.:.✓ti:.J:.:•:,:•..V.:•.t.................,,............:,,.,,:.,:::.ti.V:::::::•.,•..,:::'::.Y:.,,•........: <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 3 <br />