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�.,itY of City lull Newsletter <br /> City of Hugo, 5524 Upper 146th Street North, Hugo, MN 55038 • 429-6676 August 1990 <br /> Message from the Mayor 1991 Budget <br /> It seems like only yester- One thing I learned in my zoning enforcement is not process <br /> day that I decided to file for four years of office is that needed in the community, begins <br /> public office and was elected there will always s and s be those and that illegal dumps P Y g P <br /> as your Mayor. My four who criticize one's efforts, disposal of hazardous wastes Preparation of the City's <br /> years in this position has break laws, dodge taxes, and in the backyard are accepta- 1991 proposed general fund <br /> been most enjoyable as I have little regard for their ble because it was allowed in budget is currently under- <br /> have had the opportunity of neighbors or the overall fu- the past. They would like to way. Subject to the revisions <br /> serving with an outstanding ture of the community. see the City run like it was in in the State's Truth in Taxa- <br /> City Council, Planning Com- Thankfully, however, their the earlier years based on the tion Laws,the budget process <br /> mission, and staff that are numbers are becoming few- "Good Ole Boy" system. will be similar to that fol- <br /> constantly looking to the fu- er, and the community is Hopefully, there will be can- lowed in 1989. The City <br /> ture. When I campaigned to now beginning to develop a didates that will file for the Council will hold budget re- <br /> t your Mayor in 1986, I did sense of unity and pride rath- City Council in the fall who view meetings, and the re- <br /> so on the following platform: er than just looking after will work toward reestablish- quired public hearings will <br /> 1. To improve land use one's own backyard or spe- ing pride in our community. be scheduled pursuant to <br /> planning. cial interests.I am pleased to The general public is begin- Minnesota law. The hearing <br /> ?.To develop a capital im- say that our successes over ning to realize that as a com- notices will be published in <br /> vements plan for City the last four years have been munity on the fringe of the the City's legal newspaper <br /> roads. many and our failures few.If urban areas, we probably (Forest Lake Times) as re- <br /> 3. To establish a stronger there is one area that I would cannot stop progress, but we quired. The proposed tax <br /> and more diversified tax hope that the community can have a major say in con- levy for collectible 1991 is <br /> base. will continue to support, it trolling our own destiny. $829,870 which is up 6.93% <br /> 4.To recruit and employ a would be the efforts to im- With the local elections com- from the 1990 tax levy of <br /> professional City staff. prove the City's image and ing up this fall,I would hope $776,030.25. The City's gener- <br /> 5. To establish consistent make one proud to say that that all Hugo residents con- al fund budget is primarily <br /> implementation of City poli- they reside in Hugo. Surpris- sider the future of their com- made up of law enforcement, <br /> cies, procedures, and ordi- ingly, this has turned out to munity and take the time on street maintenance, fire and <br /> nances. be one of the most difficult November 6 to vote for the ambulance, code enforce- <br /> 6.To improve the commu- goals as there is still a strong candidate that best represents ment, and general adminis- <br /> nities image so as to main- element in the community the direction that you would tration. <br /> tain and increase pride in the that supports "the two like to see this community <br /> City of Hugo. junked cars on every lot and take. I am taking this oppor- <br /> Although we have not ac- an auto-body shop in every tunity to personally thank all Election f I ngs <br /> complished all of these goals, garage" image. Unfortunate- of those I worked with, and Filings for municipal elec- <br /> we have made significant ly, there are those that still for,over the last four years. tions will open on August 28, <br /> progress on all of them. believe that planning and 1990. The four year terms of <br /> council representatives from <br /> Hugo tax burden low Ward 1 and Ward 3 expire at <br /> the end of this year as does <br /> Of the 95 metropolitan was $710.00 per year, which in Mendota Heights. the two year term for mayor. <br /> communities with a popula- is one of the lowest in the me- This information was tak- Filing for municipal office <br /> tion of over 2,500, the City of tro area. en from a recent publication closes at 3:00 PM on Septem- <br /> LT-Igo ranked 77th in terms of The highest ranked com- in the Minneapolis Tribune ber 11, 1990. Election infor- <br /> perty tax burden. munity in terms of tax bur- on 1990 property tax burden mation can be secured from <br /> In 1990 estimated taxes on den was Little Canada, with comparisons. City Clerk, Mary Ann Creag- <br /> on $80,000 home for Hugo the lowest tax burden noted er,at 429-6676. <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page I <br />