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Council proposes Senior housing project <br /> park land acquisition underway <br /> Since the first of the year, efforts to negotiate the pur- Construction of the 28 unit tion is anticipated. The pro- <br /> the City Council has been ac- chase of this property were senior citizen housing project ject is located south of <br /> tively pursuing the acquisi- not successful so the City has is currently underway. This John the Baptist Catho,__ <br /> tion of a 70 acre tract of land pursued its acquisition joint effort by the Washing- Church, between Egg Lake <br /> to expand the City's park sys- through the eminent domain ton County Housing and Re- and Highway 61. For further <br /> tem Currently the only ac- process. The courts have de- development Authority, St. information regarding this <br /> tively used park in the City of termined that a public pur- John the Baptist Catholic project, please contact the <br /> Hugo is the facility north and pose would be served Church, and the City has Washington County Housing <br /> west of city hall. The City's through the acquisition of been in the works for nearly and Redevelopment Authori- <br /> Comprehensive Plan calls for this property, and the City two years. A late fall comple- ty,458-0936. <br /> future expansion of the City's has secured the financing <br /> park system to serve all through the sale of govern- <br /> Hugo residents. The size and ment obligation bonds. A fi- Local government <br /> location of the site lends itself nal Council decision on the aids cut again <br /> to a multitude of municipal purchase of this park will be <br /> uses. The property in ques- made when the value of said <br /> Recently, the City of Hugo ed by the State that are re- <br /> tion is located directly south land is determined with an received notice that the State turned to City's to provide <br /> of Rice Lake and north of anticipated acquisition prior Legislature, once again, cut property tax relief. Despite <br /> County Road 8A. The City's to the first of the year. the LGA previously given to the continued reductions of <br /> the City of Hugo. In 1989 the Local Government Aid and <br /> Council reviews parks capital City received just under increases in State mandates <br /> $150,000.00 in LGA, and the requiring municipal spend- <br /> improvement plan amount we will be receiving ing, it is anticipated that the <br /> in 1990 is now down to ap- City's general fund budget <br /> Earlier this month, the facility around the park shel- proximately $36,000. The for 1991 will still be less than <br /> City Council considered ter, bathrooms, and cones- LGA's previously given the a 7% increase over the 1990 <br /> adoption of a Capital Im- sion stand located north of City were tax dollars collect- approved budget. <br /> provement Plan to upgrade the water tower. The park <br /> the City tennis courts, ball would then provide more Better home identification <br /> fields, and other facilities ad- convenient access to all facili- <br /> jacent to city hall. The intent ties and promote better use of required <br /> of the plan is to re-orient the the park. <br /> Fire Chief Ron Istvanovich should keep in mind that,al- <br /> Council <br /> l- <br /> CounciI to consider would like to again remind though it may be easy for <br /> Hugo residents of the diffi- you and your friends to lo- <br /> road projects culties experienced by the cate your house, one should <br /> fire department in locating not assume that first respond- <br /> The City Council has acted to Hilo Avenue,and Hilo Av- residences in the rural areas ers to an emergency incident <br /> to move forward with phase enue from Henna Avenue of the community. Without are as knowledgeable about <br /> two of its Capital Improve- No.south to 125th. clear resident identification where you live. Please coop- <br /> ment Project for upgrading of Public hearings will be on a mailbox or driveway erate with the City in getting <br /> collector streets in the City of held pursuant to Minnesota post, it is extremely difficult your driveways or homes <br /> Hugo with bituminous sur- Statute and property owners for fire fighters or rescue clearly marked as soon as <br /> facing. affected by these improve- team to locate many residenc- possible. <br /> The roads being consid- ments will be appropriately es at night. Citizens of Hugo <br /> ered for upgrading are as fol- notified. <br /> lows: 132nd Street from The City uses county Council asks for MNDOT assistance <br /> Goodview Avenue to County records provided in April for Recent action by the Hugo City Council involved a re- <br /> Roads 8A, 125th Street from notification of affected prop- quest that the Minnesota Department of Transportation par- <br /> Goodview Avenue to Home- erty owners.Individuals with ticipate in the upgrading or replacement of the sidewalk <br /> stead Drive,Homestead Ave- unrecorded contracts for and curb/gutter east of Highway 61 in the downtown busi- <br /> nue from 147th Street south deed or other documents re- ness district. With Highway 61 scheduled for upgrading in <br /> to 132nd Street,Ingersoll Av- corded after April 1,1990 will the next couple of years, the City has requested that the <br /> enue from 180th south to have to identify themselves State participate in this improvement to further enhance the <br /> 170th Street, Henna Avenue with the City for future noti- appearance the downtown area. <br /> No. from 132nd Street south fication. <br /> City of Hugo newsletter Page 2 <br />