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More restrictive dumping regulations implemented <br /> Recent action by the Min- • Greg's Foreign Car Repair- 454-9215. 757-0544. <br /> nesota Legislature makes it 90 Wildwood Road, • PTL Tire,15300 Hwy 65, <br /> even more difficult to dis- Mahtomedi,MN M.Tires Ham Lake,MN <br /> e of tires,batteries, appli- No limit-777-6924. $1.50-$2.00 per fire on rim <br /> ....ces, and other hazardous • Erickson's Garage-14791 • Norm's Tire Service,20920 -4347766 <br /> wastes in sanitary landfills. Oakhill Road N.,Scandia Goodview Ave,Forest <br /> Residents will now find it No limit-433-2710. Lake,MN For more information on <br /> more difficult to get these Pick up service(will not disposal of hazardous <br /> items collected by commer- U.Major Household pick up small amounts)- wastes, please contact Wash- <br /> ciai garbage haulers. Appliance Recyclers 464-2648 ington County at 779-5445. <br /> Information recently pro- • First State Tire Disposal, The above information was <br /> vided by the Washington • Appliance Recycling 13012 Eldorado Street NE, provided for proper disposal of <br /> County Health Department Centers of America,2601 Blaine MN refuse and is not intended to be <br /> indicates that there are iden- Broadway Rd.NE,Mpls. $1.00-$1.25 per tire a solicitation for the businesses <br /> tified locations for disposal $10 for one;2 pieces,$6 (company picks up)- listed herein. <br /> of the following items in this each;$25.00 pick up- <br /> area: . A Plus Appliance,747 City Wins building permit case <br /> I.Motor OR Payne Ave.,St.Paul,MN <br /> $5.00 fee-298 1929. The City has prevailed in used in a manner inconsis- <br /> • Hugo Auto and Truck • JR's Appliance Disposal, a court decision involving tent with what is allowed in <br /> Parts,16615 Forest Blvd., 8980 Highway 149,Inver construction of an accessory an agricultural district. To <br /> Hugo,MN Grove Heights,MN building in an agricultural avoid these types of incidents <br /> Small amounts-429-5420 $5.00 fee,call in advance district without a building in the future,we would hope <br /> permit. A fine was levied by that residents planning on <br /> the courts and the City may constructing buildings or do- <br /> Natural gas main proposed pursue removal of the build- ing any remodeling would <br /> ing through a civil action be- contact the City Code En- <br /> Northern States Power is south to 120th St., between cause the building is being forcement office,429-6432. <br /> ^ rrently proposing the ex- the Burlington Northern Rail- <br /> sion of its natural gas fa- road track alignment and Road signing delayed <br /> cuities to serve the City of Trunk Highway 61. It is the g <br /> Hugo and surrounding area. intent of NSP to complete In September of 1989, the cause of unforeseen delays, <br /> It is their intent to install a this project prior to the win- City Council requested State Washington County still h4s <br /> 16" gas main from 175th St. ter heating season. assistance in designating not been able to get the signs <br /> speed limits and authorizing installed, and we hope to <br /> Tennis court repairs scheduled a signing program for vari- have them in place when the <br /> ous collector streets in the county's work schedule de- <br /> The City has tentatively White Bear Lake School Dis- City of Hugo.After 8 months creases early this fall. We <br /> scheduled the repair of the trict and the City. The nets of study, the MNDOT rec- apologize for the delays in <br /> municipal tennis courts lo- will be removed from the ommendation was received getting these signs installed; <br /> cated immediately south of courts being worked on and and the City Council direct- however, it is difficult when <br /> the water tower. Repairs are we ask that residents stay off ed Washington County to you are faced with situations <br /> to be made later this summer of the courts while they are proceed with installation of beyond your control. <br /> in a joint project with the under repair. the appropriate signs. Be- <br /> 165th StreetY <br /> line delayed a ed B.E.S.A. permit amendment <br /> 9 <br /> A proposal to install a Hat- the City Engineer that will Recently, the Hugo Plan- ning Commission felt that <br /> Hing Commission conducted they would not favor any <br /> ural gas line by Northern hopefully provide residents a hearing that resulted in a type of activity that would <br /> States Power to serve resi- in this area with natural gas recommendation to deny ex- further increase the amount <br /> dents on 165th Street west of for the winter heating season. panded use of the Bald Eagle of shooting at this location. <br /> Highway 61 was delayed last For further information on Sportsman's Association Certain types of non- <br /> fall because of errors in de- this project please call NSP, shooting range south of shooting activities may be <br /> by the utility company. Kathy Ronning 229-2478. 125th Street. While acknowl- considered if the club is spe- <br /> ,earlier this month, NSP edging the long-standing ex- cific about the type of activi- <br /> submitted revised plans to istence of the club, the Plan- ties proposed. <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 3 <br />