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.Jity of City lull Newsletter <br /> City of Hugo, 5524 Upper 146th Street North, Hugo, MN 55038 • 429-6676 November 1989 <br /> Property tax reform bill costs Hugo $ 100,000 Comments? <br /> In that the Newsletter is to <br /> The City of Hugo will lose ty taxes down. The $100,000 increase in actual taxes paid, provide information to citi- <br /> approximately $100,000 in previously given to the City although it will appear as if zens of Hugo,the City would <br /> Local Government Aid as a will now be given to the the City is increasing its levy like to encourage comments <br /> result of the State's new tax school districts. Cities will be and the schools will be lower- from residents. If you have <br /> reform package. In 1989 the allowed to raise local proper- ing theirs. No one seems to questions or topics you <br /> City received approximately ty taxes to make up this lost know why the State made the would like to see addressed <br /> $150,000 in Local Govern- revenue. The school districts change if the net result is go- in the Newsletter, please <br /> ment Aid. These tax dollars are to lower their tax levy by ing to be no change in total send your written request to <br /> are paid to the State by Hugo an amount equal to the new property taxes paid. Hugo City Hall, 5524 Upper <br /> residents and are returned to L.G.A. increase they get. The 146th St., or drop them off in <br /> the City to help keep proper- theory being that there is no the drop box at City Hall. <br /> Goodview Avenue Council trims <br /> extension nixed general fund budget <br /> Both White Bear Township nancing of this project which Following preliminary by expenditures as follows: <br /> I Grant Township have would have been done in budget hearings on Septem- $70,000.00 debt service, <br /> _ed not to participate with conjunction with the recent ber 5, and again on Septem- $177,634.00 for law enforce- <br /> the City of Hugo in extend- Goodview Ave. improve- ber 18,the Hugo City Council ment, $55,086.00 for fire pro- <br /> ing road improvements on ment. The townships indicat- trimmed the 1990 proposed tection, $212,956.00 in road <br /> Goodview Ave. from the ed that the residents abutting budget to $922,867.00. This and bridge, $81,170.00 in le- <br /> City's corporate limits south the roadway were not in sup- budget is up 6% over the gal, and$84,746.00 in general <br /> Jo Highway#7(old #10).The port of the project, therefore, city's approved 1989 budget administration. A final bud- <br /> City offered to provide engi- they would not participate in of $870,966.00. The general get hearing will be set for De- <br /> neering and assist in the fi- this improvement. fund budget is highlighted cember 4th,1989. <br /> New tax bill includes recycling Sewer rates Cable T.V. <br /> When Ithe Minnesota Leg- posed to go back to local gov- may rise complete <br /> islature met in special session ernment for implementation Word from the Metropoli- Cable T.V. North Central <br /> in late September, the tax bill of recycling.No one seems to tan Waste Control Commis- officially completed installa- <br /> considered included a man- know how much this pro- sion indicates that Hugo may tion of its lines and equip- <br /> datory recycling program. gram will cost, but it appears be hit with a significant sew- ment in the City of Hugo <br /> The bill will require that non- that the responsibility for er rate increases in the next during the week ending Sep- <br /> metropolitan counties recycle funding and implementation few years. Although nothing tember 15th. The service in- <br /> 25% of the county's garbage will probably fall on cities specific has been provided at stalled has the capability of <br /> by the end of 1993 and metro- and townships. If we are cor- this time, the City has re- accommodating approxi- <br /> politan counties must have a rect in our assumptions, the ceived information regarding mately 840 households and <br /> 35% goal. How this program City of Hugo will probably how low metro sewer rates businesses in the City of <br /> will be funded, and who will have to require mandatory are in Minnesota compared Hugo. For general informa- <br /> be responsible for implemen- garbage service and recycling to other states. We suspect tion regarding cable T.V. <br /> "tion, still has not been de- through a local City ordi- that this is a sure sign of a please call 483-3233. For in- <br /> mined. A 6% garbage tax nance in the future. major increase to come, al- formation regarding cable <br /> is to be charged by the State, though we don't know how construction please call 483- <br /> and these monies are sup- much or when. 9999. <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 1 <br />