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District Memorial Hospital City Council adopts motorized <br /> improves service recreational vehicle ordinance <br /> In an effort to encourage initiated alternative-care pro- Following the recommen- vehicle operators, (2) a '5 <br /> use of the district hospital grams, such as swing bed, dation of the Washington mph limit on City road,, <br /> which serves Hugo, numer- transitional care, and respite County Sheriff's Department property trespass, and (4) <br /> ous changes have been made. care. All commercial insu- and requests from area resi- regulations regarding opera- <br /> The district hospital pro- rances and private payers are dents, the City Council tion in the public right-of- <br /> vides 24 hour ambulance ser- accepted. One of the newest adopted an ordinance regu- way. For those interested, <br /> vice and advanced life sup- services offered by the hospi- lating the operation of motor- complete copies of the ordi- <br /> port. Paramedics are trained tal is providing an on duty ized recreational vehicles. nance are available at the <br /> to handle trauma cases and physician in their emergency This ordinance deals primari- Hugo City Hall. <br /> can begin emergency room room. The area served by ly with: (1)limiting the age of <br /> procedures when they arrive District Memorial Hospital <br /> at the scene of an accident. consists of Hugo, Forest New state laws can be costly <br /> Their 49 bed acute care facili- Lake,Centerville,Lino Lakes, <br /> ty has an active medical staff and the Townships of Colum- <br /> consisting of 11 family prac- bus and Forest Lake. District Each year the Minnesota of these new laws and pro- <br /> consisting <br /> physicians,a general sur- Memorial Hospital is located legislature passes hundreds grams. The legislature has an <br /> of laws and administrative unlimited credit card and the <br /> geon, a pathologist,and radi- in Forest Lake,464-3341. <br /> ologist. The hospital has changes for the purpose of bill is mailed to each taxpayer <br /> State betterment. These laws in the spring of the year. <br /> dealing with education, wel- Some State leaders are of the <br /> Elmcrest Avenue fare, hospitals, health care, opinion that the legislature <br /> improvements considered pensions,employee relations, should be required to identi- <br /> handicapped, recycling, pub- fy the cost, and who will be <br /> Recently the Lino Lakes south of Washington Co. Rdlic safety, rural development, required to fund all new leg- <br /> City Council indicated an in- #8. The success of this effort and the environment have islation passed by them,as is <br /> terest in participating with will depend greatly on the merit in most cases. Unfortu- required of local govern- <br /> the City of Hugo on improve- level of participation by Lino nately, the legislature is not menu. <br /> ments to Elmcrest Ave. The Lakes and the willingness of <br /> required to identify the cost <br /> overall effort will call fora abutting property owners to House leader <br /> three phase program involy- help finance the cost. The <br /> ing long term improvements, City has discussed the possi- Studies state mandates <br /> as well as annual mainte- bility of public hearings on <br /> nance. Phase 1 of the pro- this project some time this In a recent public appear- result of new legislative rules <br /> posed improvement program winter. Affected property ance, the minority leader in and mandates forced on cit- <br /> will include Elmcrest Ave. owners will be notified. <br /> the House stated that the re- ies, counties, and school dis- <br /> sults of a study done by his trict. He stated that cities <br /> State aid staff indicated that of the should not be blamed for tax <br /> for roads not available property tax increases imple- increases when they are <br /> mented by local units of gov- forced on them by the state or <br /> Earlier this year, the Hugo bill not get considered, there ernment in 1989, 65% was a federal laws. <br /> City Council requested the have been overtures toward <br /> Minnesota Legislature con- eliminating future M.S.A. State to <br /> sider revising its require- funding by the time Hugo ex- fund Some mandates <br /> ments for municipal state aid ceeds the 5,000 population el- <br /> eligibility. Not only did this igibility. The new tax bill approved language requiring the State <br /> by the Minnesota Legislature to provide funding for pro- <br /> Property tax indicates that there is an ef- grams mandated in their bar- <br /> fort by the State to provide rage of new bills passed an- <br /> statements will be sent In April funding for certain legislative nually. This plea fell on deaf <br /> mandates dealing with wel- ears by most legislators, and <br /> The mailing date for prop- prior to payment due. This fare and education. The bill it appears that cities will con- <br /> erty tax statements, normally change is a result of the new does not appear to cover oth- tinue to levy local tax incre-- <br /> received in late January, has Truth in Taxation law passed er local government pro- es to fund new State requi <br /> been changed to April 15th. by the legislature. Mark your grams required by the legisla- programs. <br /> This reflects a 30-day notice calendar accordingly. ture. Cities lobbied for <br /> ::.::.... :..:.. . ...:::.:.:::::: . ....:... <br /> City of Hugo Newsletter Page 2 <br />