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1988 June Newsletter
1988 June Newsletter
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J!i%fi'/r% JiJ/ lr OFx 1 �i <br /> i <br /> City o� S <br /> in <br /> 5524 Upper 146th St.No.,Hugo,MN 550,38 <br /> CityProposes Capital Improvements <br /> As a result of the recent taxing limitations placed on the city by the Legislature and its <br /> affect on road maintenance, the Hugo City Council is embarking on an effort to provide <br /> a long term solution to the city's road problems. A capital improvement project is being <br /> considered and the city will be making a decision this summer on whether or not this <br /> effort has community support. The following is a list of anticipated questions with an- <br /> swers that we hope will provide the community with more information on this proposal. <br /> General Information <br /> HOW MANY OF THE CITY'S ROADS ARE BLACKTOPPED? <br /> Currently there are 58 miles of municipal road in the city of Hugo and only 8 miles of those roads have a bi- <br /> tuminous surface. <br /> WHAT BROUGHT ABOUT THE IDEA OF A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM? <br /> In the summer of 1987 the Hugo City Council established a list of priorities to help improve the city of <br /> Hugo. Those priorities were as follows: 1. Establishment of a fiscal policy and municipal budget. 2. In- <br /> crease code enforcement and building inspection. 3. Prepare a surface water management plan for the city. <br /> 4. Improve the condition of municipal roads. 5. Set up a consistant planning process to deal with zoning and <br /> subdivision issues. <br /> WHAT CRITERIA WAS USED IN PRIORITIZING ROADS? <br /> 1. Cast to maintain the road. 2. Current road conditions 3. Trafflc volume on the roads. <br /> 4. Citizen complaints. 5. Community growth pattems. <br /> WHAT IS THE SCOPE OF THE PROJECT IN QUESTION? <br /> The overall capital improvements program endorsed by the city council calls for an expenditure of$2.2 mil- <br /> lion dollars over a 5 to 6 year period. The first phase of the project involving the streets in most need of up- <br /> grading and carrying the greatest volume of traffic will cost the city approximately $1,000,000. <br /> WHY MAKE THESE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS NOW? <br /> There are a combination of factors that make it extremely advantageous to the city to pursue this program at <br /> this time. Currently interest rates on financing this type of project are very favorable and the city has re- <br /> ceived very competitive bids from contractors on this type of work. If the city proceeds with financing of <br /> this project in the summer of 1988 it can be done with a very minimal tax levy increase to Hugo residents. <br /> The liklihood of all these factors being favorable after this year is not good. <br /> ARE ALL STREETS IN THE CITY OF HUGO INCLUDED IN THIS PLAN? <br /> Only north/south and east/west collector streets are a part of this plan. <br /> WHY HAVE ROADS SUDDENLY BECOME SUCH A HIGH PRIORITY FOR THE COUNCIL? <br /> In the spring of 1987 and again in 1988, city hall received several hundred phone calls from area residents <br /> inquiring when the city is going to do something about improving its roads. One need only drive these roads <br /> the spring and summer to experience the joys of gravel roads. <br /> COULDN'T WE BUY A FEW YEARS TIME BY JUST ADDING GRAVEL TO THE ROADS? <br /> YESI But once again, adding gravel to the roads Is a very short term'solution to a long term problem. The <br /> weekly maintenance of gravel roads is very costly and even if we could increase the maintenance schedule, <br /> we cannot eliminate the dust in the summer, mud in the spring and fall, and the washboarding effect during <br /> various times of year. <br />
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