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1988 June Newsletter
1988 June Newsletter
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City of Hugo Special Bulletin,July 1988 Page 2 <br /> WHY NOT JUST PUT MORE GRAVEL ON THE EXISTING ROADS? <br /> There are several considerations which make this alternative less desirable each year. The maintenance of <br /> gravel roads comes under the scope of street maintenance which must be funded through the general goven <br /> ment operating budget which is restricted by the tax levy limits. Capital improvements of the nature pro- <br /> posed can be funded through the sale of public improvement bonds and the debt retirement on these bonds <br /> Is not subject to the legislature's mandated tax levy limits. With the cost of street maintenance going up 2 to <br /> 3 times the rate-that cities may increase the tax levy, one doesn't have to be a mathematical genius to see <br /> that the frequency of road maintenance will have to decrease or we will have to flnd some other sources of <br /> revenue to maintain the gravel roads in the future. <br /> WILL IMPROVED ROADS CHANGE THE RURAL CHARACTER OF HUGO? <br /> It is very unlikely that road conditions w111 have any effect on the rural or urban nature of a community. One <br /> need only look at the rural areas of Wisconsin and other northern suburbs where roads are surfaced and they <br /> have a more rural atmosphere than the City of Hugo. <br /> Financial Information <br /> HOW WILL THIS PROJECT BE FINANCED? <br /> The proposed financing mechanism is through the sale of public improvement bonds. These bonds would be <br /> sold to the public and the loan to the city would be repaid over a 15 year period. <br /> WHAT WILL THIS PROJECT COST ME? <br /> Based on a $1,000,000 project financed over a 15 year period at 7-112% interest we are estimating a tax in- <br /> crease of about $15.00 per year per household. Those properties abutting on the roadway would pay an addi- <br /> tional 21% of the cost of the road improvement to be assessed and repaid by the property owner over a 15 <br /> year period. <br /> WHY DO PROPERTY OWNERS HAVE TO BE ASSESSED? <br /> Minnesota law requires that for the sale of this type of public improvement bonds a minimun of 20% of pro <br /> ject cost must be assessed to benefitting property owners. The city council has the latitude of assessint <br /> more than 20%but must assess a minimum of 21% to pursue this project. <br /> HOW WILL THE CITY FUND PHASE 1 OF THIS PROJECT? <br /> The annual funding sources for Phase I over a 15 year period is as follows: 1. $21,000 in assessments 2. <br /> $15,000 tax levy increase 3. $70,000 existing tax levy. <br /> WHAT WAS THE 1988 CITY ROAD MAINTENANCE BUDGET? <br /> The city anticipates spending approximately$120,000 on grading, $10,000 on materials, $20,000 on mq jor im- <br /> provement and other road repairs, and $21,000 on snowplowing in 1988. <br /> WILL THE CITY SAVE ON ROAD MAINTENANCE IF THE ROADS ARE <br /> BLACKTOPPED? <br /> Both gravel roads and blacktopped roads require maintenance. Over the long haul, the maintenance savings <br /> wil not be that great, however, the city will realize an immediate savings in grading existing gravel roads. <br /> Just the grading costs for the roads in phase -1 of this project runs the city approximately $22,000 annually. <br /> If the roads were blacktopped the grading cost could be eliminated although the city would still have to pro- <br /> vide other maintenance and plow these roads like any other road. <br /> WHY NOT INCREASE TAXES FOR ROAD MAINTENANCE? <br /> The Minnesota Legislature passed a law in 1987 requiring that all cities in the state of Minnesota be subject <br /> to tax levy limits (the City of Hugo was previously exempt from the levy limits). In 1988 the legislature ex- <br /> empted cities under 2,500 from tax levy limits while other cities must adhere to the 4% and 3% levy increas- <br /> es for the next 2 years. With the rapidly increasing costs of other city services it is unlikely that the city <br /> will be able to increase its road maintenance in the near future. <br /> WHAT IF I CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY MY SHARE OF THIS PROJECT NOW? <br /> We don't anticipate that $15.00 per household will create a mq jor hardship for most Hugo residents. Thosk <br /> who may be assessed 21% or more for the project improvement will be given an option to pay for their as- <br /> sessment over a 15 year period in annual installments. Those who will be faced with assessments should <br /> keep in mind that if these projects were to be done in a conventional manner, as are most other public im- <br /> provement projects, the assessments would be 4 to 5 times more than proposed. <br />
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