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Cityof Hall newsletter <br /> UlgoCity <br /> City of Hugo 5524 Upper 146th Street North, Hugo, MN 55038 429-6676 May, 1988 <br /> City informs residents of requirements and ordinances <br /> Whether a person is new to industrial activity is restricted to permitee, and failure to keep a mitted in the City of Hugo in con- <br /> the community, or a long time the appropriate zoning districts. fire under control may result in servancy, agricultural, or other <br /> resident,it is important that he or Anyone operating a busi- financial liability to the individu- residential zoning districts. <br /> she be informed of the rules gov- ness out of their home or acces- al doing the burning. The state courts have ruled <br /> erning the community. Follow- sory buildings on their property Building addresses that Hugo's ordinances do not <br /> ing are some ordinances which should be aware that they maybe permit semi-tractor/trailers in <br /> directly affect the Hugo resident. operating said business illegal- City ordinances require that these zoning districts, and any <br /> � all residences and buildings such activities that currently exist <br /> Home Occupations We would encourage any- with addresses be appropriately must be eliminated. <br /> The number of businesses identified. Because of the great <br /> that have been started in conser- one with thoughts of starting abusiness out of his home to distances that buildings are set <br /> vancy, agricultural, and other cback from the road in Hugo,it is <br /> heck at City Hall first before <br /> residential zoning districts of the making any type ll investment critical that your mailboxes or <br /> City of Hugo has become agrow- driveway areas be properly Iden- <br /> ing problem. that may result in problems for tified so that address can be seen you at a later date. <br /> Although the city does have clearly from the road by opera- <br /> de <br /> provisions for allowing home Burning Permits tors of public safety equipment. <br /> occupations in residential dis- The City of Hugo does allow For information on properly Your Tax Dollar <br /> tricts by Special Use Permit, limited burning in the city limits labeling your mailbox or ad- <br /> nany of these activities have under certain conditions. dress post,contact the Hugo Fire Page 2 <br /> started without Council approv- No burning is allowed with- Department at 429-6366. Copies <br /> al and are being operated illegal- out first securing a burning per- of the ordinance requiring prop- Road Maintenance <br /> ly. mit from the Hugo Fire Chief. Ap- er address identification can be Page 2 <br /> The number of complaints plications for buring permits can secured at City Hall. <br /> received at City Hall regarding be secured at City Hall,and must Tractor/Trailers <br /> business activity in residential be approved by the Fire Chief be- Property Subdivision <br /> zones is increasing. Unless oth- fore any burning is done. As a result of a recent State Page 2 <br /> erwise approved by formal City Keep in mind the responsi- Appeals Court ruling, semi- <br /> Council action,commercial and bility for all burning is that of the tractors and trailers are not per- <br /> Planning Procedures <br /> Page 2 <br /> Public City of Hugo Animal Control <br /> Currently the City of Hugo contract for animal control ser- City Services <br /> improvement does not have a leash law and vices and if a resident has prop- Page 3 <br /> projects domestic animals such as dogs erly secured a stray animal,creat- <br /> and cats are permitted to run at ing a nuisance on their property, <br /> authorized large as long as they do not they may contact city hall and Agricultural Zoning <br /> As per resident petition, present a threat to the safety of make arrangements to have the Page 3 <br /> Homestead Drive, west of Sun- others. animal picked up. <br /> set Lake,will be improved with The city does, however, City Hall Business Hours <br /> bituminous surfacing this sum- <br /> Page 3 <br /> mer. The project was a salt f a <br /> 9 <br /> Ple <br /> ct re o <br /> petition by abutting property City il Memers <br /> Council owners who will be paying the Staff Building Permits <br /> cost of this improvement. Page 3 <br /> The city will also be partici- <br /> pating in a joint project with Mr.George Atkinson, Mayor Ken Huber,City Administrator <br /> Ramsey County and White Bear Mr. Deane Vail,Ward 1 John Benson,Bldg Inspector City Elections- <br /> :: Mr.Arthur Potts,Ward 2 Mary Ann Creaer,City Clerk Community Bulletin <br /> Township to improve 120th Mr. Robert Olson,Ward 3 Carole LaBelle,Deputy Clerk <br /> street from Highway 61 to a point Ms. Theodora Peltier, at large Page 4 <br /> approximately one mile to the <br /> ixxi:ti'.'::':':'is i•:•i:•: <br /> east. ::::::•::::.�:.�:.�::::•::•:.�:. •:::.�:::::::::::::.�::::,�.�::•::•:: ........,..,.. <br />