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Whereyour tax dollar goes <br /> Planning <br /> For every $1.00 of real estate taxes paid by the city would be receiving an increase on the Procedure.(. <br /> Hugo residents, approximately 22� goes to the 22�paid to the city,not the entire$1.00 paid by the For those interested in devel- <br /> City of Hugo for services provided. The other 784 taxpayer. Of the$700,000 annual city budget,only oping land,as it relates to rezon- <br /> of the$1.00 goes to support your local school dis- $375,000 is funded by general property tax and the ings, subdivisions, or special <br /> tricts, county,and other governmental agencies. balance comes from inter-governmental revenue use permits, the city has pre- <br /> If the city were to increase its tax levy by 5%, and other revenue sources. pared application packets that <br /> outline the procedure you must <br /> follow, and documents you <br /> Maintainpride in the commun ty need to provide for considera- <br /> tion of land development re- <br /> Over the last several years the City of Hugo has it is witnessed. If you witness such an incident, quests. <br /> experienced an increase in people illegally please get the license number of the vehicle or This information was pre- <br /> dumping garbage and rubbish in isolated road identify any individuals and notify the City or the pared in effort to assist and clari- <br /> ditches within the corporate limits. Washington County Sheriffs Department imme- fy the procedures that one <br /> Individuals owning land in the city have also diately. Keeping our community clean and attrac- would get involved in during the <br /> started dumping construction materials and other tive will go a long way toward furthering commu- planning review process, <br /> illegal fill without securing the proper approvals. nity pide and improving our imae as a desirable Copies of this information <br /> The city is asking the help of all Hugo residents to place to live. are available and can be picked <br /> report any incidents of illegal dumping at the time up at City Hall at no cost. <br /> Road Capital improvements program proposed <br /> maintenance Currently the City of Hugo is sidering phase one of a two list are: Oneka Lake Boulevard, <br /> considering implementation of phase project to begin surfacing Harrow Avenue, Goodview Av- <br /> a n d costs a capital improvements program roadways in the city that carry the enue, Falcon Avenue, 130th <br /> The city is responsible for in that will start the city in a direc- greatest amount of traffic, and Street and Elmcrest Avenue. <br /> excess of 58 miles of roadway in tion of permanently improving require the greatest amount of Hearings will be scheduled this <br /> the City of Hugo. Of that 58 all collector streets in the city. maintenance. summer for the making of these <br /> miles,only 8 miles of roadway The city is also currently con- Projects high on the priority improvements. <br /> have a permanent surface. <br /> The city has budgeted in ex- <br /> cess of$121,000 in 1988 just for Shoreland/Wetland Regulations <br /> grading of the gravel roads with- <br /> in the city limits. <br /> An additional $36,000 is Properties located within takes place within the minimum ways in the city,we would sug- <br /> pent annually for materials, in- 1,000 feet of lakes or protected distances from protected water- gest that you check at City Hall to <br /> spent <br /> a,and other needed road wetlands in the city of Hugo are ways, permits must be secured be sure that the activities pro- <br /> improvements governed by the regulations of from the appropriate govern- posed are acceptable in that <br /> The city has also budgeted the city and the Department of mental agencies. area. <br /> in excess of $20,000 annually Natural Resources. Before making any major A map of public waters and <br /> for snow and ice removal from Before any construction, planning decisions or financing protected waters is available at <br /> our city streets. grading, building or ditching of improvements near water- City Hall for your review. <br /> The cost of road mainte- <br /> nance is going up at an alarming <br /> rate,and with tax levy limits be- Subdivision of property <br /> ing imposed on small munici- <br /> palities, it is going to get even The subdivision or dividing of property in the utilities,and other services required by Hugo resi- <br /> more difficult to finance road City of Hugo is regulated by the City's subdivision dents. <br /> maintenance without cutting ordinance. Controlling the subdivision of land is essen- <br /> back on the level of service cur- Before the city can issue a building permit or tial to long-range planning for the city <br /> rent 1 y being provided. stamp a deed for recording, property must be There are certain legal liabilities that individu- <br /> properly subdivided which requires review by the als may face when selling property that is not <br /> Planning Commission and approval by the Hugo properly subdivided. <br /> The Forest lake Times is the le- City Council. We would strongly recommend that before an <br /> gal newspaper for the City of Hugo. There are those who are of the misunderstand- individual buys or sells a parcel of land that they <br /> All legal notices and notices of public in that having rt surveyed b registered k Hall tthat the rt in <br /> hearings are published in this paper. g g pro �' y y a re gerecheck at City o be sure property y <br /> Those wishing to follow the ac- land surveyor and drawn on a survey document question was legally subdivided and meets all or- <br /> tivities of the City Council and plan- constitues the proper subdivision of property. dinance requirements for the use proposed on <br /> ning Commission can be best in- Requiring Council approval of subdivisions, said property. <br /> formed by subscribing to the city's <br /> legal newspaper. allows the city controls for the planning of streets, <br /> :.: <br /> �., <br /> City of Hugo newsletter Page 2 <br />