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Accessorybuildings regulated City Hall <br /> The city regulates the size accessory building can be used pal residential dwelling on site. Business hours <br /> and location of accessory build- for activities other than those Be sure and check city regula- City Hall is open to serve <br /> ings and pole barns through its permitted in the zoning district tions before planning and con- the public Monday through <br /> permitting process. where the building is located. tracting for the construction of Thursday, from 8:30 am to <br /> All buildings on site must Of particular importance, an accessory building or storage 3:00 pm, and on Fridays <br /> meet minimum setback require- one should note that accessory facility on your property. from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.The <br /> ments. A permit to construct a buildings are not permitted clos- City Council meets on the 1st <br /> building does not imply that the er to the roadway than the princi- and 3rd Mondays of each <br /> month at 7:00 pm. <br /> The Hugo PlanningAgricultural zoning for tax purposes Commission <br /> meets on the <br /> 4th Wednesday of each <br /> There are those living in sessor has informed us that tax- cantly different than property in month at 7:00 pm. <br /> Hugo with the understanding es are based on what the proper- other zoning districts, you may The Council agenda is <br /> that purchasing property zoned ty is actually used for,not neces- be mistaken. prepared on the Wednes- <br /> for agricultural purposes auto- sarily what it is zoned. We would suggest that you day preceding the meeting. <br /> matically qualifies it for tax ex- If you have bought, or are contact the tax assessor or the To be placed on the agenda, <br /> emption designed to deal with buying, property in an agricul- Washington County Assessor's one must make a request in <br /> farms and other farm-related ag- tural zone with the understand- Office to discuss this matter if writing stating the specifics <br /> ricultural activities. The tax as- ing your taxes will be signifi- you have any questions. of said request. <br /> Building Volunteers needed Septic System <br /> Mayor Atkinson is attempting to secure a list of individuals who inspections <br /> permits are interested in serving the City of Hugo on a volunteer capacity. <br /> Individuals interested in serving on the Hugo Planning Commis- The city of Hugo provides a <br /> required sion, Board of Zoning Adjustments,or in some volunteer capacity <br /> are urged to notify the Mayor,in writing of their interest in serving the qualified inspector for c <br /> community. A brief,personal resume and the reasons you wish to tion and installation of neeww sep- <br /> c- <br /> Effective January 1, 1988,the serve would be most helpful in reviewing your requesttic systems. To install this type of <br /> city's fee schedule for building . system,a permit is required,and <br /> permits was updated. The city the system design is subject to <br /> now requires that anyone plan- city approval. <br /> ning new construction or mak- Zoning maps available For inspection requests on <br /> ing major construction repairs existing septic systems, one <br /> on your property, in an amount The city currently has an adequate stock of zoning maps available must contact the Washington <br /> exceeding one dollar, shall se- for those interested in securing one. Large maps can be purchased at County Planning office at 779- <br /> cure a building permit from the a cost of$3.00 with a smaller map selling for$1.00 each. 5443 for inspection certifica- <br /> city. The maps can be purchased at City Hall,5524 Upper 146h Street tion. <br /> Failure to secure the neces- North. <br /> sary permit in advance will result <br /> in the doubling of the permit fee. <br /> New construction not meeting <br /> the required setback from prop- City law enforcement service <br /> erty lines or other buildings,may Hugo City S e ry i e e s <br /> have to be relocated and failure The City of Hugo does not have its own <br /> to meet building codes may re- police department for law enforcement ser- <br /> sult in construction work being vices. In emergency situations,residents are <br /> redone. Building Inspection-Full Time to call 911 for a rapid response. For informa- <br /> tion or other law enforcement services,con- <br /> Effective May 9, 1988,the city will be provid- tact the Washington County Sheriff's Depart- <br /> ing full-time building,plumbing,and mechani- ment at 439-9381 <br /> Don't Forget... cal inspection services to Hugo residents and <br /> Hugo Good contractors. City Assessor <br /> Neighbor The city has employed Mr.John P.Benson as <br /> the city's building inspector. In hiring Mr.Ben- The City of Hugo contracts for assessment <br /> Days! son,the City Council responded to the publics' services with Mr. Francis Langer. City tax <br /> June 5 6&7 request for increased services and the need to records are not retained at City Hall,and de- <br /> have someone available to handle code en- tailed tax information can be secured from the <br /> forcement matters during the City Hall business Washington County Assessor's Office at 779- <br /> Call Hugo Lions for hours. 5136. <br /> more information <br /> City of Hugo newsletter Page 3 <br />