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Hugo City Council Goal Setting Workshop Minutes for January 17,2017 <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> to consider were to establish a building maintenance and replacement fund, conduct a space <br /> needs study, consider technology upgrades now, and possibly purchase new tables for the Oneka <br /> Room at City Hall. <br /> Infrastructure, Parks, Amenities: <br /> Bear talked about infrastructure including parks and a new water tower. He said he felt it was <br /> important to not fall behind on trails and playground maintenance. Also to consider was paving <br /> gravel roads and constructing a garage for City vehicles. Bear recommend preparing for <br /> construction of the south water tower, and suggested using the Comprehensive Plan process to <br /> determine the community's wants. <br /> Staffing: <br /> Bear talked about the need for succession planning for retiring employees, possibly new <br /> divisions of the Public Works Department, and review of employee benefits. Staffing needs will <br /> be dependent on what the Council would like to accomplish. <br /> Other Projects and Activities: <br /> Updates to the Comprehensive Plan was going to be a top priority. Other things to consider were <br /> maintenance of stormwater ponds and reuse operations, water rate study, downtown <br /> redevelopment, and the next industrial park. The City could explore beautification efforts, <br /> plowing of sidewalks, expansion of compost options, single garbage haulers, fiber to City Hall, <br /> electronic business transactions, and determine the best way to communicate with residents in an <br /> ever changing technical environment. Bear recommendations included continuing with the <br /> Comprehensive Plan update and to think about ways the City communicates and conducts <br /> business. <br /> Council Discussion: <br /> Bear asked Council to consider the proper amount of service it wished to provide residents, and <br /> where the tax rate needed to be to accomplish that. He explained there may be additional <br /> revenue next year due to higher valuation on homes and new construction, so the pressure to <br /> increase the tax rate next year may not be there. <br /> Haas talked about resiliency, basing it on maintaining our independence and self-reliance. Some <br /> things to consider were water, computer access, and electricity needs. The City also relies <br /> heavily on the Public Works Department and could explore putting solar panels on the roof to <br /> help pay for things that need to be done. <br /> Petryk agreed solar panels for the Public Works building was a good idea to explore. She also <br /> thought the old schoolhouse could be a potential site for a new community theater if it was <br /> larger. Options needed to be evaluated. <br /> Klein talked about the maintenance of buildings and things that could be done such as LED <br /> lights, energy efficient windows, and maintaining the exteriors of City buildings. <br />