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MINUTES FOR THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />147th STREET/ONEKA LAKE BOULEVARD <br />OPEN HOUSE ON ROAD PROJECT <br />TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2016 <br />PRESENT: Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />ABSENT: Haas <br />ALSO PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, WSB Engineers Jim Stremel and Lydia <br />Larson, and Senior Engineering Technician Steve Duff <br />An open house was held in the Oneka Room at City Hall for residents along the 147th <br />Street/Oneka Lake Boulevard to discuss the street reconstruction project. The residents were able <br />to view the construction plans and ask questions of staff regarding proposed construction. <br />There were 15 residents that attended the open house. Some of the issues voiced by residents <br />included concerns regarding the speed of traffic on the roadway, school bus pick up area at <br />Foxhill Avenue North and 147th Street, and there was a desire to see a crosswalk installed. A <br />resident on Glenbrook Avenue North thought a connection to the trail at Glenbrook would be <br />nice, as people currently walk through his yard to get on the trail. He stated he was willing to <br />give the City an easement over his property to construct the connection. Residents questioned the <br />timing of construction, and staff responded that it was anticipated construction would begin after <br />the 4th of July holiday. Residents in attendance were positive and looking forward to the project <br />being completed. <br />The meeting started at 5:30 pm and completed by 7:00 pm. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Steve Duff <br />Senior Engineering Technician <br />