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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 3, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Approve Minor Subdivision and CUP at 13561 Homestead Avenue North — Carlson <br />Joe and Chelsea Carlson had requested approval of a minor subdivision of a 20-acre parcel <br />located at 13561 Homestead Avenue. The applicant proposed to subdivide the 20-acre parcel <br />into two 10-acre parcels. The Conditional Use Permit (CUP) was necessary for a shared <br />driveway to allow an existing driveway to provide access to both parcels. At its March 23, 2017 <br />meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request, and there were no public <br />comments. The Planning Commission agreed that the application met the requirements necessary <br />to approve the minor subdivision and CUP and recommended Council approve it. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2017-6 APPROVING A MINOR <br />SUBDIVISION FOR THE PROPERTIES GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF 132nd <br />STREET NORTH AND EAST OF HOMESTEAD AVENUE NORTH and RESOLUTION <br />2017-7 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A SHARED <br />DRIVEWAY FOR THE PROPERTIES GENERALY LOCATED SOUTH OF 132nd STREET <br />NORTH AND EAST OF HOMESTEAD AVENUE NORTH. <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Blacksmith Lounge 2017 Events <br />The Blacksmith Lounge had applied for a Special Event Permit for events to be held during <br />2017. There would be a total of 14 events hosted on their property between April and October. <br />Events included seven auctions, five car shows, one swap meet, and one corn feed for the White <br />Bear Lake Hockey Association. These events had been occurring for several years including the <br />largest event, the Northern Lights Car Show, for 29 years. All of the events would be held <br />outdoors. City Council approval was required because they would be serving alcohol, over 250 <br />people were expected during some events, and an amplified speaker system would be used. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Special Event Permit for the Blacksmith Lounge. <br />Approve Special Event Permit for Oneka Elementary Color Run on May 6, 2017 <br />Oneka Elementary had applied for a Special Event Permit to hold a 5K Color Run on Saturday, <br />May 6, 2017. This event required a permit approved by Council because the event was expected <br />to draw between 500-700 participants and would include the use of City trail/sidewalks/streets. <br />Oneka Parkway would be closed for the duration of the event, and the applicant had worked with <br />the City and Washington County Sheriff's Department on the details. This same event had been <br />held the past two years and was very successful. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />Special Event Permit for the Oneka Elementary 5K Color Run on May 6, 2017. <br />Approve Replacement of Public Works Parks Mower <br />The Hugo Public Works had requested approval for the purchase of a Toro 72" Z Master parks <br />mower to replace the aging John Deere 72" mower. Staff had received a quote from Hugo <br />Equipment Company, which was under state contract, to provide the Toro mower for $9,821.24. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the quote and authorized the purchase of the Toro <br />72" Z Master mower. <br />