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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 17,2017 <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br /> Haas talked about the traffic on TH61 and hoped Hugo could join other cities, or have Metro <br /> Cities look at the impacts to TH61 due to improvements on the interstate, stating this could be <br /> addressed in our Comprehensive Plan. Bear stated that conversations with legislators and <br /> neighboring communities would be beneficial. Haas also said he understood concerns people <br /> had regarding 1301h Street, and he recognized improvements would take time. <br /> Miron said he felt the Comprehensive Plan would be a good tool to address improvement to <br /> TH61, and he also asked for confirmation from City Engineer Mark Erichson that the <br /> development would not cause existing homes to purchase flood insurance. Erichson replied that <br /> FEMA had reviewed it, and there would be no increase in the flood stage. <br /> Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve ORDINANCE 2017-481 AN ORDINANCE <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUGO AMENDING CHAPTER 90 (ZONING <br /> ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LAND LOCATED EAST OF <br /> HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 130TH STREET. <br /> Ayes: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br /> Nays: None <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2017-10 APPROVING PUD <br /> GENERAL PLAN FOR EXCELSIOR GROUP, LLC, FOR "ADELAIDE LANDING" ON <br /> PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 130TH STREET. <br /> Weidt stated there was not public hearing scheduled; however there was a resident who wished <br /> to speak. <br /> Carol Crosby, 13445 Fiona Avenue North, stated she had lived in her home for 22 years. She <br /> said if you walk the property now you will see standing water. She questioned why the pond <br /> needed to be so big, and did not want all the trees being removed. She said she had a fence on <br /> the City owned property, and there was a hockey rink there. <br /> Members of the Council talked about residential use of City owned outlots, and it was now time <br /> for this land to be developed. The pond was needed for stormwater and irrigation, and Council <br /> discussed the benefits of it. <br /> All Ayes on RESOLUTION 2017-10. <br /> Ayes: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2017-11 APPROVING <br /> PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR THE EXCELSIOR GROUP, LLC, FOR "ADELAIDE <br /> LANDING" ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF HIGHWAY 61 AND NORTH OF 130TH <br /> STREET. <br />