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2017.06.05 CC Packet
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2017.06.05 CC Packet
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6/2/2017 9:10:14 AM
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6/2/2017 9:00:18 AM
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following building code requirements and setbacks related to accessory structures when <br />swimming pools are submitted for review. On February 9, 2017 the ORC agreed that staff <br />should begin drafting a swimming pool ordinance to address the number of variance requests the <br />City was receiving. On March 6, 2017 City Council approved staff to begin preparing a <br />swimming pool ordinance. At its May 25, 2017 meeting, the Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing and considered the swimming pool ordinance. The Planning Commission agreed that the <br />swimming pool ordinance was a good place where residents can find all requirements in one <br />location. The Planning Commission recommends Council approve the ordinance regulating <br />swimming pools. <br />G.11 Approve Special Event Permit for Tough Mudder Event on July 16-17, 2016 <br />Tough Mudder has submitted an application for a Special Event Permit to hold a three day event <br />at Wild Wings Game Farm on July 14-16, 2017. Tough Mudder is a for-profit company located <br />in Brooklyn, New York, that holds approximately 50 events throughout the United States, <br />Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. On Saturday and Sunday, participants will run a 10-12 <br />mile course with approximately 22 military style obstacles. On Friday, the Tough Mudder X <br />will be held, which will involve 200 elite athletes on a one mile obstacle course. This event will <br />be filmed for national television. The Tough Mudder requires a Special Event Permit approved <br />by Council because there will be approximately 12,000 attendees over the weekend, impacts to <br />public streets, use of an amplified sound system, and alcohol will be served. This event was held <br />in 2016, and staff noted there were impacts to traffic. Tough Mudder has modified their parking <br />procedure, which staff feels will greatly reduce or eliminate traffic impacts. Staff has worked <br />with the applicant on details of the event and believes it to be well organized. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the event subject to the conditions listed as part of the permit. <br />H. Award of Bid for the Waters Edge Water Reuse Project <br />The City of Hugo had previously authorized the preparation of plans and specifications and <br />advertisement for bids for the Waters Edge Water Reuse project. Bids were received on <br />Tuesday, May 30, 2017 and were opened and read aloud. Two bids were received ranging from <br />347,900.00 to 542,400.00. The engineers Estimate was 402,800.00. Staff recommends that the <br />City Council consider these bids and award a contract in the amount of 347,900.00 to Peterson <br />Companies. <br />I.1 Public Hearing on the Issuance of Therapy Facilities Revenue Bonds — Minnesota <br />Autism Center Proiect <br />At the May 1, 2017, City Council meeting, the Council adopted a resolution calling for a public <br />hearing on a proposal to Issue Therapy Facilities Revenue Bonds in an amount of no more than <br />$5.1 million, on behalf of the Autism Opportunities Foundation, a Minnesota nonprofit <br />corporation doing business as the Minnesota Autism Center (the `Borrower"). The bond <br />proceeds will be used to finance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an intensive <br />therapy center for children and adults ages 10 to 21 diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder <br />("ASD"). The project will be located at 2010 Silver Bell Road in Eagan, Minnesota. The <br />Borrower has agreed to pay the City of Hugo an issuer's administrative fee of 1/4 of 1% of the <br />principal amount of the bonds. Briggs and Morgan, the City's bond counsel, has reviewed this <br />request and finds it to be a proper use of the City's bonding authority. The City is only serving <br />as the bond issuer and will have no obligations for repaying investors. Mary Ippel of Briggs and <br />Morgan and Denise Raunig, the CFO of the Minnesota Autism Center will be in attendance to <br />
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