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answer questions concerning specifics of the project and financing thereof. Following the public <br />hearing, staff recommends adoption of a Resolution Approving Issuance and Sale of Therapy <br />Facilities Revenue Bonds. <br />J.1 Approve Recommendation from Parks Commission Rel4arding Goodview Avenue <br />Property <br />At the City Council meeting of September 19, 2016 the Parks Commission was directed to hold a <br />neighborhood meeting about the future of the City -owned property at Goodview Avenue. Youth <br />have built pedal bike jumps at the 2.34 acre property and there have been complaints from the <br />adjacent property owners about the youth using the property. A neighborhood meeting was held <br />at the Parks Commission meeting of November 9, 2016. Several residents attend and shared a <br />range of views from having fond memories of using the bike track to anger over the littering, bad <br />behavior, and damage to the property. The Parks Commission directed staff to remove brush on <br />the property and to make other improvements to improve visibility. They felt that there was <br />value in continuing to let the public use the property, including the bike track. They discussed <br />the potential uses of the property when the planned trail is constructed on the west side of <br />Goodview Avenue. At their meeting of May 17, 2017 the Parks Commission recommended, in a <br />unanimous vote, that the property remain city -owned and available for public use. <br />K.1 Beaver Ponds Sewer Rehabilitation Proiect <br />An 8" sanitary sewer that serves approximately 150 homes within the Beaver Ponds <br />development has backed up on 2 separate occasions resulting in flooding and damage to the <br />basements of four properties. Since the 2nd backup, Public Works has cleaned the main multiple <br />times and is checking on flows daily. The sanitary sewer segment in question was directionally <br />drilled though the wetland in the late 1990's and connects to the sewer within 130th Street. This <br />segment of sanitary sewer contains multiple sags in the sewer pipe, resulting in restricted flow as <br />solids build and block flow. Staff is treating this as an emergency repair and have televised the <br />sewer, conducted soil borings, conducted a gopher one call and met with contractors regarding <br />the best means to correct the failing sanitary sewer. The repair is in a challenging location as the <br />sewer pipe is within a wetland and extends under a Koch pipeline. Staff wanted to keep Council <br />apprised of this situation and request authorization from Council to consider this an emergency <br />repair and forgo the public bidding process (if necessary) to expedite the repair. Staff would still <br />receive quotes to complete this work. <br />M.1 Yellow Ribbon Network Update <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will report to Council any updates on the City of <br />Hugo's Yellow Ribbon Network activities. <br />N.1 Comprehensive Plan Workshop on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 <br />Council has scheduled a workshop for Tuesday, June 13, 2017 for discussion on the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan update as it pertains to eastern Hugo. The meeting will take place at 7 PM <br />at the Rice Lake Centre, 6900 137th Street North. <br />N.2 Good Neighbor Days June 8-11 and Historical Commission Display on June 10 & 11, <br />2017 <br />