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foot deck within the drainage and utility easement. At the time of construction, a sliding glass <br />door was installed with the idea that a deck could be constructed at this location. A drainage and <br />utility easement covers the majority of the rear yard and begins five (5) feet behind the home. <br />Staff recommends Council approve the encroachment agreement for 5370 157th Street North. <br />HI Public Hearing on the Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation for Outlot A, <br />Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition <br />D.R. Horton is requesting a vacation of the existing drainage and utility easement located over <br />Outlot A, Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition. Outlot A will be used for the development of <br />Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition. New drainage and utility easements will be placed on the lots at <br />the time the final plat is recorded. Staff is comfortable with the applicant's requests to vacate the <br />drainage and utility easements. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the notice to <br />vacate the drainage and utility easement located over Outlot A, Clearwater Cove 3rd Addition. <br />K.1 Yellow Ribbon Network Update <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will report to Council any updates on the City of <br />Hugo's Yellow Ribbon Network activities. <br />L.1 Approve Rescheduling of the July 3, 2017 City Council Meeting to July 5, 2017 due to <br />the Independence Day Holiday <br />Due to the Independence Day Holiday, staff recommends Council reschedule the July 3, 2017 <br />meeting to July 5, 2017 for the purpose of holding the Public Hearing on the Issuance of <br />Revenue Bonds - Minnesota Autism Center Project. <br />L.2 Approve the Closing of City Hall on July 3, 2017 <br />The City's Personnel Policy allows employees to take off one day of their choice as a personal <br />holiday. Staff has agreed to request their personal day be taken on Monday, July 3, 2017, and to <br />close City Hall that day. Staff requests Council approve the closing of City Hall on July 3, 2017. <br />0.1 Adiournment <br />