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2017.06.19 CC Packet
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2017.06.19 CC Packet
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6/22/2017 9:04:07 AM
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6/15/2017 3:14:57 PM
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Wells Fargo Bank in the event of early redemption of any or all of the bonds. Although the <br />amendment was agreed to between the two parties, any amendment to the Financing Agreement <br />must be approved by the City Council since the City of Hugo issued the bonds. Staff <br />recommends Council approve a resolution providing for the First Amendment to the Educational <br />Facility Revenue Bond (Minnesota Autism Center Project), Series 2015 and authorizing the <br />execution of documents related thereto. <br />G.9 Approve Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing on the Issuance of Revenue Bonds - <br />Minnesota Autism Center Proiect <br />At its June 5, 2017 meeting, the Council held a public hearing on this issue; however the hearing <br />is invalid because the City's legal newspaper failed to publish the required notice for the public <br />hearing. The City of Hugo is being asked to consider issuing Tax -Exempt Revenue Bonds, in an <br />amount of no more than $5.1 million, on behalf of the Autism Opportunities Foundation (the <br />"Borrower"), a Minnesota nonprofit corporation doing business as the Minnesota Autism Center. <br />The bond proceeds will be used to finance the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an <br />intensive therapy center for children and adults ages 10 to 21 diagnosed with autism spectrum <br />disorder ("ASD"). The project will be located at 2010 Silver Bell Road in Eagan, Minnesota. <br />The Borrower has agreed to pay the City of Hugo an issuer's administrative fee of 1/4 of 1% of <br />the principal amount of the bonds in consideration for the City of Hugo acting as issuer. A <br />public hearing on the proposal has been scheduled for July 5, 2017. Briggs and Morgan, the <br />City's bond counsel, has reviewed this request and finds it to be a proper use of the City's <br />bonding authority. Thus, the Finance Department recommends that the City Council approve a <br />Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing on the Issuance of Revenue Bonds and Authorizing the <br />Publication of a Notice of the Hearing. <br />G.10 Approve Promotions of Rick Gregoire, Tom Kaspszak, and Ron Gray to Engineer <br />Positions on the Hugo Fire Department <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard recommends Council approve the promotions of Rick Gregoire, Tom <br />Kaspszak, and Ron Gray to Engineer Positions on the Hugo Fire Department Effective June 1, <br />2017. <br />G.11 Approve Resolutions Approving Final Plat and Development Agreement for <br />Clearwater Cove 41' Addition <br />D.R. Horton is requesting approval of a final plat in order to plat 14 residential lots and 1 outlot <br />on the 10.39 acre parcel located south of Frenchman Road (CSAR 8) and east of Everton <br />Avenue North. The site is currently a vacant outlot. The City Council reviewed the PUD <br />General Plan and preliminary plat for Clearwater Cove at its August 3, 2015 meeting. The final <br />plat will plat the last 20 lots from the Clearwater Cove preliminary plat to complete the <br />development. Staff recommends approval of the resolution approving the Final Plat and <br />Development for Clearwater Cove 4th Addition. <br />G.12 Approve Resolution Approving Encroachment Agreement for 5370 157' Street <br />North <br />James and Amy Webb are requesting approval of an encroachment agreement to locate a deck <br />behind the home at 5370 157th Street North. The applicant is requesting to construct a 10 x 14 <br />
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