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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 5,2017 <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br /> Approval of the Agenda <br /> Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Introduction of New Hugo Deputy Gree Reiter <br /> Washington County Deputy Greg Reiter has been assigned as the new Hugo Deputy to replace <br /> Deputy Joe Zerwas, who is the new Hugo Investigator. Sergeant Joe Stoehr introduced Deputy <br /> Greg Reiter to the Council stating that Greg has been with the department since 1997, and <br /> worked under contract in Lake Elmo and also in investigations. In 2008, he received the MN <br /> Sheriff's Association Deputy of the Year Award. <br /> Greg stated he has been a Hugo resident for over a year and really likes the wide variety Hugo <br /> has to offer. The Council welcomed him to Hugo. <br /> Recognition of Byron Anderson for the Lifetime Achievement Award <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear introduced Hugo resident Byron Anderson, who recently <br /> received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Washington County Board of <br /> Commissioners. <br /> Bryon stated he has volunteered for 45 years with 4-H and seven years with the County Fair. His <br /> children also volunteer. Over the years he has seen a lot of new things, including robotics. <br /> Miron stated he has worked with Bryon on several projects and he talked about the other various <br /> volunteer work Byron is involved in and the positive influence he has had on so many young <br /> people. He appreciated the model Byron has set. <br /> The Mayor thanked him for his volunteer work, and the Council presented him with a Certificate <br /> of Appreciation for his commitment. <br /> Approval of the Consent Agenda <br /> Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items. <br /> 1. Approval of Claims <br /> 2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Utility Billing Clerk Jodie Guareschi <br /> 3. Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Worker Tom Smith <br /> 4. Approve Board of Trustees Request for Increase in Lump-Sum Pension <br /> 5. Approve Resignation as Chief Engineer for Firefighter Roly Guareschi and Appointment <br /> as Engineer <br /> 6. Approve Appointment of Firefighter Doug Millard as the Chief Engineer on the Hugo <br /> Fire Department <br />