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Board of Zoning Adjustments Meeting August 23,2000 page2 <br /> Stoltzman opened the public hearing, but there were no comments. <br /> Puleo made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to recommend approval of the variance as requested. <br /> All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Variance (Wilson Tool) <br /> A public hearing was held to consider the request of Wilson Tool, 12909 Farnham Ave. N., for a variance for a <br /> 25-foot setback from the rear lot line where 30 feet is required by ordinance. Wilson Tool wishes to construct a <br /> 54,000 square foot building addition on the south end of their existing building. Duane Berg, Facility <br /> Supervisor, was at the meeting representing Wilson Tool. <br /> The Community Development Director reviewed his staff report with the Board, stating the request met all the <br /> standards necessary for the City to approve a variance. <br /> Stoltzman opened the public hearing. <br /> Frank Winiecki, 12760 Falcon Ct. N., asked to see a copy of the site plan. After reviewing it, he stated he had <br /> no problem with Wilson Tool's request. <br /> As there were no other comments, Stoltzman closed the public hearing. <br /> Stoltzman made motion, Puleo seconded, to recommend approval of the variance as requested. <br /> All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Variance (Janson Hengtgen) <br /> A public hearing was held on June 28, 2000, to consider the variance request of Jason Hengtgen, 5540 1591h St. <br /> N., for a 28'3' foot wide driveway where 16' is allowed by ordinance. The request was tabled to allow time to <br /> determine if the ordinance should be amended. At the Planning Commission meeting on July 26, 2000, the <br /> Commission voted to recommend the City not amend the driveway ordinance. At the City Council meeting on <br /> August7, 2000, the Council directed the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing to discuss a driveway <br /> ordinance amendment. The hearing will be held September 27, 2000, following legal publication. <br /> Puleo made motion, Stoltzman seconded, to table the request of Jason Hengtgen until after the public hearing is <br /> held and a determination is made as to whether amend the current ordinance or leave as is. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Stoltzinan made motion, Puleo seconded, to adjourn at 6:45 p.m. <br /> All ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Michele Lindau, Secretary <br /> Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />