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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JULY 17, 2017 <br />D.1 Approval of the July 5, 2017 City Council Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Presentation of 2016 Audit Report - Jason Miller, Smith Schafer & Associates <br />Jason Miller from the independent accounting firm of Smith Schafer & Associates will present <br />the Hugo City Council with a recap of the audit of City's finances for the 2016 fiscal year. The <br />Council will listen to the presentation from Jason Miller after which questions will be taken. City <br />staff recommends Council formally accept the 2016 City Audit as recommended by Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin. <br />F.2 Swearing in of New Fire Department Engineers and Chief Engineer <br />Firefighters Ron Gray, Rick Gregoire, Tom Kaspszak, and Roly Guareschi have been selected to <br />fill engineering roles on the Hugo Fire Department, and Firefighter Doug Millard to fill the role <br />of Chief Engineer. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard will perform the swearing in of the new engineers <br />and chief engineer. <br />F.3 Recognition of Bald Eagle Sportsmen's Association Donation to the YRN <br />Bald Eagle Sportsmen's Association will present a donation to the Hugo Yellow Ribbon <br />Network. BESA held an open house on Saturday, June 4, during which they collected donations <br />for the YRN from the Club and guests who visited that day. <br />F.4 Recognition of Planning Commissioner Bob Rosenquist <br />At its June 19, 2017 meeting, Council accepted the resignation of Planning Commissioner Bob <br />Rosenquist after 21 years of services. Bob began his service in June of 1973, when the City first <br />incorporated and recalls working on the first Comprehensive Plan for the City. Meetings were <br />held at the Hopkins Schoolhouse, which served as the town hall. Bob resigned after five years, <br />and joined the Commission again in 2001. Bob is still currently serving on the Washington <br />County Conservation Board. Council will recognize Bob for his years of volunteer public <br />service. <br />G.1 Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Application for Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for Family Pathways <br />Family Pathways, 6413 Oak Street, North Branch, has applied for a Lawful Gambling Permit to <br />hold raffles during a Sporting Clay Benefit to support Family Pathways. The benefit will be held <br />at Wild Wings of Oneka on Friday, September 29, 2017. Staff recommends Council approve the <br />Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for the Sporting Clay Benefit on September 29, 2017. <br />