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SUMMARY ORDINANCE 2017-483 <br />NOTICE: THIS PUBLISHED MATERIAL IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF AN ORDINANCE <br />OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF HUGO. THE FULL TEXT OF THE <br />ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE HUGO CITY HALL <br />DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. <br />TITLE: <br />An Ordinance amending Chapter 90, Article V, Environmental Protection, Section 90-181 <br />Landscaping, and article vi, section 90-222 driveways and section 90-253 parking and loading <br />and to repeal section 90-271 LARGE RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT PARKING AND <br />STORAGE <br />SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE: <br />Chapter 90, Article V, to amend Section 90-181 LANDSCAPING (n) (1): This section is <br />revised to outline regulations for parking lot perimeter landscape requirements. <br />Chapter 90, Article VI, to amend Section 90-222 DRIVEWAYS: <br />(d) Except in the Long Term Agricultural, Agricultural, Rural Residential, and Future Urban <br />Service zoning districts, all driveways in the city shall be paved with bituminous, concrete, <br />pavers, or other approved dustless and erosion -resistant material. <br />(e) Driveways shared by two or more separate parcels or lots of land may be permitted only by <br />conditional use permit. An access easement and maintenance agreement shall be recorded <br />against the properties that contain the shared driveway. <br />(1) Driveways must meet the minimum design requirements for the zoning district in which <br />they are located, as specified in this subsection. <br />Chapter 90, Article VI, to replace Section 90-275 PARKING AND LOADING: <br />(a) Unlawful unless conditions met. It is unlawful for any person to construct any building or <br />facility, or to use a property, unless such property shall have adequate parking, loading, <br />driveway, and access road facilities, as required in this section. It is unlawful for any person <br />to construct any parking area, loading area, driveway or access road, except in conformance <br />with this chapter. <br />(b) Purpose and Intent. The regulations of parking and loading in this section is to alleviate or <br />prevent congestion of the public right of way and to promote the safety and general welfare <br />of the of the public by establishing minimum requirements for parking and loading of motor <br />vehicles upon various parcels of land and for structures. <br />(c) General Standards. Adding language to describe the general standards for all parking and <br />loading areas in the City. <br />