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Ordinance 2017-483 Parking and Loading Summary Ordinance <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />(d) Design Standards. Adding language to describe the minimum design standards for all <br />parking and loading areas in the City. <br />(e) Number of Spaces Required. Adding language on how parking space requirements are <br />calculated. <br />(f) Shoreland District. Adding language on the standards for parking and loading areas within <br />the Shoreland Overlay Zoning District. <br />(g) Prohibited Parking. Adding language for regulations for prohibited parking in the City. <br />Please note this title and summary of this Ordinance clearly informs the public of the intent and <br />affect of the Ordinance and conforms to Minn. Stat. § 412.191. This Ordinance shall be effective <br />the date that it is published. <br />The amended and added sections are available on the City website for further review. <br />Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City o thi th day of June, 2017. <br />Tom Weidt, Mayor <br />est: <br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk <br />2 <br />