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H.1 Abatement Hearing for Dennis Schultz at 13101 Henna Ave. N. <br />Staff has been working with the property owner regarding violations of the Municipal Code since <br />August 2016. Although the property owners had been provided ample notice and time to correct <br />the violations, they had failed to do so. An abatement hearing occurred on September 18, 2017, <br />where Council gave the property owner until November 15, 2017 to get the property back into <br />Code compliance. City staff will update the Council on the progress of the property and any <br />code violations occurring on the site. <br />I.1 Concept Plan for Leroux Property <br />CPDC Pratt Oakwood, LLP has submitted an application for a concept plan. The concept plan <br />was completed to get comments from the various commissions and Council prior to moving <br />forward with the formal development approval process. The developer is planning to develop <br />two parcels of land, generally located east of Elmcrest Avenue N. and north of 159th Street N., <br />totaling approximately 120 acres. The properties are currently vacant, relatively flat, and have <br />some site constraints due to approximately 24 acres of wetlands. The applicant would like to <br />receive feedback on the project in regards to general layout, housing types, parks/trails, road <br />circulation and construction, and stormwater management/ water re -use. <br />K. 1 Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein will report to Council on the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network activities held recently. <br />M. Adjournment <br />