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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 6, 2017 <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />Rachel explained the property is within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area, currently vacant <br />and contains some challenges regarding wetlands, drainage ditch, and high ground water. <br />Rachel talked about developments that were proposed for the same properties about ten years <br />ago (Dell Webb and Oneka Shores). During those discussions, there were comment on access <br />improvements, incorporating the commercial property into the plan, and the preservation of <br />natural resources. Those proposed developments were larger and triggered an Environmental <br />Assessment Worksheet, which would not be required with this smaller project, but staff will <br />continue to monitor it. The project would include a combination of single family, villas, and <br />townhomes with the gross density of 1.9 units per acre and the net density of three units per <br />acre. Staff would continue to work with developers on the use of the outlots, including a dock <br />or fishing pier that would be constructed along Oneka Lake. A homeowners association would <br />be established for this development. She explained staff's concerns regarding the buffer between <br />the townhomes and industrial uses and the desire to have the villa products clustered together. <br />Juba stated there are 25 acres of wetland on the site, and the applicant had done a good job <br />meandering the roads around them. There were some floodplains that would be impacted with <br />the development, and staff will continue working with the developer on that. <br />As part of the PUD, the applicant was asking for reduced lot widths and setbacks on the <br />townhomes in exchange for creating trail connections and constructing a dock and fishing pier <br />for public use. She explained the phasing would include homes on the north side, accessed from <br />Highway 61, and homes on the south of the property, which would be accessed from Goodview <br />Avenue and Goodview Trail. Access to sewer and water would be a challenge because the <br />necessary roads will not be built, and they are also working on extending the watermain from <br />159th Street. She stated it was also unclear how many of the trees will be preserved, but as part <br />of the PUD, it is expected they would preserve a significant number of them. <br />Traffic studies are showing there may need to be traffic intersection improvements at full <br />buildout, and the plan included a roundabout, but the design had not been vetted by either staff or <br />MnDOT. Work will also need to be done with RCWD regarding the ditch crossings, and <br />stormwater management would need to comply with City standards. The applicant had been <br />encouraged to incorporate stormwater reuse, and staff recommended the entire length of Oneka <br />Lake be public parkland. <br />Juba talked about the Parks Commission's comments on the plan saying they liked the amount of <br />trails and sidewalks, fishing pier and dock, but had concerns about tree preservation. They also <br />questioned parking for the public park and wanted to see the park amenities located at the south <br />end of Oneka Lake, closer to Oneka Park off Goodview Avenue. They commented on the lack <br />of trail connections to the townhomes, and they expected the landscaping to go beyond minimum <br />standards. The Planning Commission had expressed concerns about the traffic flow for Phase <br />One, the roundabout design, and the proximity of the homes to the industrial properties. The <br />Commissions also encouraged stormwater reuse. <br />Council asked whether there were any issues in other developments that have reduced lot widths <br />and questioned who would maintain the trails. Juba replied there were reduced lots in other <br />developments with no problems, and the trail would likely fall into the City's park system. <br />There was also discussion on the fishing pier and the DNR's PUD standards. It was stated that <br />buyers would need to know hunting was allowed on Oneka Lake. The Council had questions <br />