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2017.12.04 CC Packet
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2017.12.04 CC Packet
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11/30/2017 4:07:52 PM
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11/30/2017 4:03:58 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 20, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Approve Resolution Approving Variance for 14496 Geneva Avenue North <br />Property owners Brian and Eugenia Sjerven had applied for a variance from the size <br />requirements to allow a 540 square foot accessory building where 260 square feet was allowed <br />by ordinance. The applicant requested to construct a 280 square foot addition onto an already <br />existing 260 square foot accessory structure. The Board of Zoning Adjustments & Appeals <br />considered this request at their meeting on November 9, 2017. There was no one that spoke <br />during the public hearing. The Board agreed that the request met the criteria necessary to <br />approve the variance and recommended approval to Council. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved RESOLUTION 2017-42 APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE SIZE <br />REQUIREMENTS FOR AN ACCESSORY BUILDING LOCATED IN THE SINGLE <br />FAMILY DETACHED RESIDENTIAL (R-3) FOR BRIAN & EUGENIA SJERVEN ON <br />PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14496 GENEVA AVENUE NORTH. <br />Approve Final Pay Request to T.A Schifsky for North Sunset Lake Improvement Project <br />The City of Hugo had received the final Pay Request No. 5 from T.A. Schifsky's for the North <br />Sunset Lake Street Reconstruction Project. City Engineer Mark Erichson and Senior <br />Engineering Technician Steve Duff had reviewed the pay request and found it to be satisfactory <br />for work completed on this project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Pay Request <br />No. 5 to T.A. Schifsky in the amount of $74,457.45 for the North Sunset Lake Street <br />Reconstruction Project. <br />'8996x,,, 8889; <br />Approve Trail Applications for the Washington County Star Trail Association Hugo <br />Chapter and the Rice Creek Trail Association <br />Each year, the Washington County Star Trail Association and the Rice Creek Trail Association <br />submit their applications to the City for the purpose of providing public recreational snowmobile <br />trails during the winter. <br />Karen Kilberg, 12969 Keller Avenue North, requested this be removed from the Consent Agenda <br />to speak about issues regarding the Washington County snowmobile trail. Karen stated her <br />fencing that runs along the east side of County Road 57 had been destroyed by snowmobiles. <br />She stated she is a snowmobiler and understands it is difficult to find a place to ride, but would <br />like to see the trail changed. Karen said snowmobilers also trespass over the pond and run into <br />her fence. She stated she spoke to the snowmobile club but had received no response. She also <br />wanted the club to be aware there are utility boxes that keep getting hit due to where the trail is <br />located, resulting in a loss of her phone and internet service. Karen talked about late night <br />grooming of the trails. She told Council she was not implying they should deny the trail <br />approval, but felt it would be nice if the clubs would have more conversations with those in the <br />problem areas. <br />John Udstuen, president of the Washington County Trail Association Hugo Chapter, stated they <br />reach out to non-snowmobilers and will go out of their way to track down the trespassers, saying <br />it was often a lack of education. He explained their grooming schedule, which is determined by <br />trail use and the availability of the groomers. He also stated the tractor used in grooming is no <br />louder than a car. John said he could be reached through their website, www.startrait M , and <br />his phone number was on there. He informed Council and Karen Kilberg that he will be <br />
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