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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 20, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />reaching out to her to address her issues. <br />The Council talked about the City's relationship with the club and was confident the issues <br />would be addressed. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the 2017-2018 trail applications for the <br />Washington County Star Trail Association Hugo Chapter and the Rice Creek Trail Association. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Abatement Hearing for Dennis Schultz at 13101 Henna Avenue North <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that staff had been working with property owner <br />Dennis Schultz, 13101 Henna Avenue North, regarding violations of the Municipal Code since <br />August 2016. Although the property owner had been provided ample notice and time to correct <br />the violations, they had failed to do so.�n�; <br />Community Development Assistant Rachel Leitz provided background information on the prior <br />abatement hearing on September 18, 2017, where Council gave the property owner until <br />November 15, 2017, to bring the property into Code compliance. The owner had made progress; <br />however, there was still code violations including the accumulation of rubbish, trash and debris, <br />and storing of junk vehicles. Rachel provided a summary of the order, which required the <br />violation be brought into compliance within 30 days. If not, the City would enter the property <br />and mark items for removal with spray paint. The owner would then have ten days to remove <br />them, or the City would do so at the property owner's expense. <br />Mayor Weidt opened the abatement hearing. <br />Tim Anderson stated he lives on Hyde Avenue, and Dennis reached out to him for help this <br />summer. He said they have been at the property trying to clean it, but Denny has health issues <br />that keep him from getting it done. He presented pictures of progress that had been made during <br />the past week, stating they are close to 90% of where the City wants Denny to be. Tim stated <br />they were still sorting stuff and putting items into the barn that are antiques and of value, and <br />they continue to haul things out daily. <br />Council discussed with Tim whether he felt 30 days was enough time to get it completed. <br />Tim stated he was unsure due to weather, and he was concerned about Denny's health. Tim said, <br />from the order, it looked like they had 40 days. He said he hoped they could get it done in 40 <br />days but couldn't guarantee it, and he asked for more time. <br />There were no other comments, and the Mayor closed the hearing. <br />The Council talked about the time that had already been given to the property owner to bring the <br />property into compliance. They appreciated all Tim was doing for his neighbor, but felt with the <br />allotted time, the property should be cleaned up or very close to it, leaving the City little to do. <br />