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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 5, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />10. Approve Advertisement for Seasonal Public Works Employees <br />11. Approve Appointment of Scott Arcand as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission <br />12. Approve Resignation of City Assessor Dan Raboin <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented <br />Approve Resignation of Fire Fighter Dan Determan <br />At its July 5, 2017, meeting, Council approved hiring of Dan Determan a <br />firefighter. Dan had submitted his letter of resignation effective January ! <br />the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Dan Determan. <br />Approve Resignation of Planning Commissioner Ron McRoberts <br />>f <br />At its February 22, 2000, meeting, Council approved the appointment of Ron McRoberts to the <br />Planning Commission. On January 10, 2018, Ron submitted his letter of resignation effective <br />immediately. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Ron McRoberts and <br />directed staff to send him a certificate of appreciation for his 17 years on the Planning Commission. <br />Approve Spring and Fall Cleanup Dates for April 21 and October 6, 2018 <br />Public Works Director Scott Anderson had worked with Washington County to secure Saturday, <br />April 21 and October 6 for the spring and fall cleanup dates. As in the past, the event will take <br />place at the Public Works building from 8 a.m. to noon. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved April 21 and October 6 as the spring and fall Citywide Cleanup Dates for 2018. <br />Approve Off -Site Gambling for Bayport Legion to Conduct Bingo at Hugo Legion <br />Hugo American Legion Gambling Manager had requested approval of an Off -Site Gambling <br />Permit for,--t Bayport American Legion Post 491 to conduct purse bingo at the Hugo American <br />Legion on February 18, 2018. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Off -Site Gambling <br />Permit for the Bayport American Legion. <br />Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2018 Dust Control Proiect <br />Staff had requested authorization from the City Council to advertise for bids for the City's 2018 <br />gravel road dust control project. The City of Hugo currently applies dust control to approximately <br />28 miles of gravel roads located within its municipal boundaries. Following City Council <br />approval, staff will advertise and solicit bids through the City newspaper and hold a bid opening <br />in early April. This will be followed by the Council considering bids in April. The dust <br />control/stabilization would be applied in two separate applications, once in mid -May and again in <br />early to mid -August. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the advertisement for bids for the <br />City's 2018 gravel road dust control project <br />