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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 5, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />Approve Advertisement for Bids for the Fire Hall Roof and Mechanical Equipment <br />The Hugo Fire Department was constructed in 1998, and the roof had overreached its life <br />expectancy along with the roof -top mechanical equipment. Staff had been working with Roof <br />Spec on developing plans and specification for the installation of a new roof and mechanical <br />equipment. Staff was working on final approval of the bid package. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the advertisement for bids for the roof project subject to approval by the City <br />Attorney. <br />Approve Penalty for Liquor Violation at MGM Wine & Spirits <br />The City of Hugo was notified by the MN Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling <br />Enforcement of a recent violation by KSIALL Company dba MGM Wine & Spirits Hugo and <br />MGM Wine & Spirits Forest Lake. It was alleged that product was purchased by one store for <br />resale at the other. This is a violation of State Statute 340A.415 and City Code Sec. 6-61. On <br />Thursday, January 25, 2018, staff met with MGM owner Victor Shevchuk who indicated he now <br />fully understands the State Statute and Hugo ordinance regarding the sale of alcohol between <br />retail stores and sanctions that may be imposed by the City Council for violation. Pursuant to <br />Hugo City Code, Council may revoke the license, suspend the license for up to 60 days, or <br />impose a civil penalty of up to $2,000. Penalties established by resolution for other liquor <br />violations impose a $300 fine for a first time offense. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />fining MGM Wine & Spirits Hugo $300 with the understanding that subsequent violations would <br />result in stricter penalties. <br />Approve Advertisement for Community Development Intern <br />At its March 16, 2017, meeting, Council approved the hiring of Sarah Rumppe as the new <br />community development intern beginning spring, 2017. Sarah recently accepted a position at <br />Westwood Engineering. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the advertisement for a new <br />community development intern. <br />Approve Advertisement for Seasonal Public Works Employees <br />In past years, the City has hired five Seasonal Public Works positions to help maintain the City's <br />park system and building grounds as well as assist in road patching crews and other work as <br />needed. These positions were approved in the 2018 General Fund Budget. Adoption of the <br />Con t Agenda approved the advertisement for Seasonal Public Works positions. <br />a�s�� <br />Approve Appointment of Scott Arcand as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission <br />The vice chair of the Planning Commission is appointed every year by the Council with a <br />recommendation from the Planning Commission. At its January 25, 2018, meeting, the Planning <br />Commission discussed this appointment and is recommending Scott Arcand continue as vice <br />chair. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reappointment Scott Arcand as vice chair <br />of the Planning Commission. <br />Approve Resignation of City Assessor Dan Raboin <br />City Assessor Dan Raboin had submitted his letter of resignation. Dan had been the City <br />