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G.5 Approve Sale of Public Works Vehicle #106-02 <br />Staff recently held a sealed bid process for the sale of the 2002 Chevrolet 2500 pickup truck that <br />was replaced in the Public Works Department. Staff is extremely pleased to inform the Council <br />that a high bid of $5,501.00 was submitted by Pete Nelson of Circle Pines, MN. A minimum bid <br />reserve of $3,500 was placed on the truck. Staff feels confident that accepting the bid of <br />$5,501.00 is in the best interest of the City. Staff recommends Council approval the sale of the <br />2002 Chevrolet 2500 truck #106-02 to Pete Nelson in the amount of $5,501.00. <br />G.6 Approve the Renewal of CUP for Lametti and Sons <br />At its January 2, 2007, meeting, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for <br />Lametti & Sons, Inc. for interior and exterior storage of material and equipment, and processing <br />of cured -in -place pipe. Condition #12 of the permit states that the CUP shall be review every <br />five years from the date of issuance. Staff visited the property on January 29, 2018, and is not <br />aware of any violations of the existing CUP. At its February 22, 2018 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission considered and recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) <br />Review for Lametti & Sons, Inc. Staff finds Lametti and Sons, Inc. to be in compliance with the <br />CUP and recommends approval of the CUP review <br />G.7 Approve JPA with Washington County for BoldPlanning Software <br />Washington County Emergency Management is requesting Hugo be a part of the BoldPlanning <br />program, which is software available to cities and townships that are interested in utilizing the <br />cloud -based system for their Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and/or Continuity of Operations <br />Plan (COOP). The County has received grant funding to pay for the annual maintenance fee and <br />initial training on BoldPlanning. This cloud -based system will make it easier to keep plans <br />updated and available to those who need access. Washington County approved the Joint Powers <br />Agreement at their February 27, 2018 meeting. Hugo Fire Department and Staff recommend <br />Council approve the JPA with Washington County for access to and utilization of BoldPlanning <br />software. <br />G.8 Approve Utility Agreement with Excelsior Group for Adelaide Landing <br />Excelsior Group, LLC, has revised their utility plans for the first phase of Adelaide Landing. The <br />revised plans shows utilities outside of the right-of-way and platted lots within the first phase of <br />Adelaide Landing. The City is comfortable with the design as proposed. The utilities are shown <br />in Outlot A, Adelaide Landing, where a drainage and utility easement exists and it is owned by <br />the developer. The location of the line will be absorbed into the second phase of Adelaide <br />Landing within the right-of-way of 131St Street North. A new agreement is required because it <br />was not part of development agreement or letter of credit for Adelaide Landing. Staff <br />recommends approval of the utility agreement for Adelaide Landing, subject to review by the <br />City Attorney. <br />G.9 Approve Leave of Absence for Firefighter Adam Sauerwein <br />Hugo Firefighter Adam Sauerwein has requested a four -month leave of absence. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the leave of absence for Adam Sauerwein effective February 18, <br />2018 to June 18, 2018. <br />