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2018.03.05 CC Packet
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2018.03.05 CC Packet
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G.10 Approve Promotion of Firefighter Brian Kindelberger to Lieutenant <br />Fire Chief Kevin Colvard has selected Firefighter Brian Kindelberger to be promoted to <br />Lieutenant on the Hugo Fire Department. Staff recommends Council approve the promotion of <br />Brian Kindelberger effective March 1, 2018. <br />H.1 Public Hearing on Oneka/Harrow Street Improvement Project <br />At its February 5, 2018, meeting, Council accepted the Feasibility Study and scheduled a public <br />hearing to consider improvements to Oneka Lake Boulevard North from Goodview Avenue <br />North to Harrow Avenue North, Harrow Avenue North from Oneka Lake Boulevard North to <br />165th Street North, and 157th Street North from Harrow Avenue North to 300 feet east. Notice <br />has been sent to all property owners adjacent to or near the roadways described that would be <br />assessed. Staff recommends Council hold the public hearing to take comments and approve the <br />resolution ordering the preparation of plans and specifications for the improvements. <br />I.1 Update on White Bear Lake Litigation and Ramsey County District Court Order <br />Staff has received draft conditions to the City's Appropriations Permit and will provide Council <br />an update. <br />J.1 Update on Park Upgrades <br />At its meeting of February 21, 2018, the Parks Commission recommended that improvements be <br />made at Arbre Park, Frog Hollow Park, Heritage Ponds Park, and Val Jean Park. The Parks <br />Commission included $50,000 in the Parks Capital Improvement Plan for park upgrades in <br />2018. Upgrades would include replacing over grown landscaping, adding benches, planting <br />additional shade trees, and replacing damaged playground components. Parks Planner Shayla <br />Denaway will outline the projects, estimated costs, and timelines for the neighborhood park <br />improvements. At their meeting of February 21, 2018, the Parks Commission also discussed <br />master planning Clearwater Creek Preserve. The 120-acre community park is largely <br />unimproved except for a 1/2 mile wood chip trail. The trail has fallen into disrepair over the last <br />two summers due to the wet conditions of the property. An active living grant application for <br />$15,000 to master plan Clearwater Creek Preserve has been submitted to Living Healthy <br />Washington County. A master plan would include a wetland delineation and identify possible <br />locations for trails. Denaway will provide an update on the potential master planning process <br />and grant application. Staff recommends the Council approve up to $50,000 for neighborhood <br />park upgrades. <br />J.2 Discussion on Waste Water Reuse <br />The Metropolitan Council is considering new policy amendments to its Water Resources Policy <br />Plan related to wastewater reuse as a potential strategy to benefit the regional wastewater system, <br />sustain the region's groundwater supplies, and support economic growth. There are three <br />alternatives that are the outcome of the Wastewater Reuse Policy Task Force that will be <br />considered by the Met Council. The Met Council will hold two workshops and a public hearing <br />to inform the public about and accept comments on the alternatives. Council Member Klein is <br />requesting Council take a position on these proposals. <br />
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