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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 5,2018 <br /> Page 2 of 10 <br /> Introduction of Washington County Deputy Corey LaPlante <br /> Hugo Deputy Kevin Jadwinski was moved to general patrol with the canine unit of the Washington <br /> County Sheriff's Office and taking his place as a Hugo deputy is Deputy Corey LaPlante. Sheriff <br /> Dan Starry introduced LaPlante to the Council. LaPlante recently worked the Super Bowl event at the <br /> US Banks Stadium, and staff presented a photo of him with talk show host Jimmy Fallon. Sheriff <br /> Starry gave an update on activities at the Sheriff's Office saying human sex trafficking and the opioid <br /> crisis was keeping the department busy. <br /> Parks Commission Annual Report <br /> Parks Planner Shayla Denaway presented the 2017 Parks Commission Annual Report. She began <br /> by reviewing the goals from 2017. She talked about the kiosk installed by Washington County <br /> on the Hardwood Creek Regional Trail and trails and sidewalk that had been constructed in the <br /> Clearwater Cove development. Extensive work had been done on the Comprehensive Plan and a <br /> $1,500 grant was received for an enhanced park and trails map that went out to all residents. <br /> Activities of the Parks Commission included review of Adelaide landing, Creekside Heights, and <br /> the Leroux property. Other projects included construction of the Clearwater Cove park shelter, <br /> pollinator project with Washington County Pheasants Forever, resolution of complaints at the <br /> park on Goodview Avenue by clear cutting and mowing, and new patios at Victor square and <br /> Diamond Square. The Commission had completed a review of all neighborhood parks. The <br /> majority of them are over ten years old, and discussions have been started on necessary <br /> maintenance and replacement of equipment. She talked about Clearwater Creek Preserve and the <br /> inability to maintain the trail there due to water. Resides dents are wanting the trail improved. <br /> She talked about the work done by Intern Sarah Rumpee to provide ideas for park and gateway <br /> improvements. Shayla explained the recreational programs in 2017 included three movie nights, <br /> Kidz `n Biz with the Hugo Area Business Association, and Park Play Days partnered with the <br /> Forest Lake YMCA. She talked about the 9t'Annual Tour de Hugo where there were over 400 <br /> riders, over $10,000 collected in sponsorships, and $8,000 raised for Hugo parks and trails. <br /> Shayla concluded by saying they look forward to continuing the partnerships. <br /> Approval of the Consent Agenda <br /> Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: <br /> 1. Approval of Claims <br /> 2. Approve Resignation of Fire Fighter Dan Determan <br /> 3. Approve Resignation of Planning Commissioner Ron McRoberts <br /> 4. Approve Spring and Fall Cleanup Dates for April 21 and October 6, 2018 <br /> 5. Approve Off-Site Gambling for Bayport Legion to Conduct Bingo at Hugo Legion <br /> 6. Approve Advertisement of Bids for the 2018 Dust Control Project <br /> 7. Approve Advertisement for Bids for the Fire Hall Roof and Mechanical Equipment <br /> 8. Approve Penalty for Liquor Violation at MGM Wine & Spirits <br /> 9. Approve Advertisement for Community Development Intern <br />