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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 19,2018 <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> during 2017 and explained how the department was continuing leadership development. Colvard <br /> provided information on their community involvement events, highlighting the Friday with <br /> Firefighters and public safety night during movie night at Hanifl Fields. He talked about the <br /> Heartsafe Community activities, which included training 354 people in CPR during 2017. Goals <br /> for 2018 are focusing on recruitment and retention, exploring daytime staffing models, and <br /> continuing the grant application system and equipment CIP. <br /> North Memorial Annual Report <br /> Manager Rob Almendinger, Supervisor Shawn McDonough, and Director Rick Wagner from <br /> North Memorial were in attendance to present the annual report on ambulance services provided <br /> to Hugo in 2017. He showed their PSA regions and where the truck are located with their <br /> coverage areas. Rick talked about a change effective April 2 where they will be eliminating the <br /> overnight change and will remain located in Hugo more often. Average response time in Hugo <br /> was 9:33 minutes compared to the regional response time of 10:28. There was a total of 665 <br /> calls in 2017, and he provided statistics on the types of calls and times of day they occur. He <br /> talked about the responses to assisted living facilities, which averaged about 100 calls per <br /> facility. He provided information on patient transports, stating they transported 472 people. <br /> Rick stated that a customer satisfaction survey indicated over 90% of the comments on their <br /> service was positive, and they continue to monitor their resources to provide the City with the <br /> best service. <br /> Weidt asked Rick to provide the City the history on response times and a benchmark of where it <br /> needed to be for Hugo to be staffed full time. Rick said they monitor it to make sure they are <br /> providing the resources needed, and he will provide that information. <br /> Approval of the Consent Agenda <br /> Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda items: <br /> 1. Approval of Claims <br /> 2. Approve Annual Performance Review for Finance Director Ron Otkin <br /> 3. Approve Special Event Permit for Yobbie and Whitaker Wedding on August 18, 2018 <br /> 4. Approve Finance Coordinator Position in the City's Finance Department <br /> 5. Approve Appointment of Accounting Clerk Anna Wobse as the New Finance Coordinator <br /> 6. Approve Return of Excess TIF to Washington County for Redistribution <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Approval of Claims <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />