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Planning Commission <br />August 10, 2017 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />Juba stated that the City has had discussions with the HOA about the stop signs, which were installed after the <br />development was constructed. She stated that she will talk to the public works department about dead end street <br />signs. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arcand asked staff what the stop sign discussion involved with the HOA. <br /> <br />Juba stated that concerns were brought up by the HOA that residents were speeding on the roads within Fable <br />Hill. The City and HOA collaborated and stop signs were installed within the development. One of the issues <br />seems to be that since the signs were installed after development occurred and weren’t planned during the <br />approval process, residents don’t expect stop signs in that area and therefore, are sometimes not abided by. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tjernlund stated he believed the proposed plans are minor adjustments from the previous <br />approval and has no issues with what is proposed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arcand agreed. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tjernlund made a motion, Commissioner Arcand seconded, to recommend approval of the <br />amendment to the Preliminary Plat and PUD for Fable Hill 4th Addition, subject to the conditions listed in the <br />attached resolutions. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> <br />Mary Matze with Landform Professional Services, the City’s contracted Planner, gave an update on the 2040 <br />Comprehensive Plan Update, specifically regarding the land use chapter. Matze gave a background of <br />discussions surrounding the topic of eastern Hugo and the eastern Hugo open house. She summarized that staff <br />believed additional info from the feasibility study would be helpful in figuring out if development could occur <br />in this area in the future. Staff recommended that no changes are made to the current land use plan and the <br />Planning Commission allow staff to continue to meet with land owners and get a better feel for what eastern <br />Hugo residents want. Matze then discussed the mixed use land use designation. She stated that staff <br />recommended evaluating characteristics for each mixed use district to set better parameters for future <br />development. Matze described the topic of extending services to 165th Street N. She stated that staff <br />recommended reviewing the land use designations and evaluate timing and feasibility for extending services. <br />She also stated that staff will be having conversations with the property owners in that area to understand their <br />position. Lastly, Matze discussed the area of Elmcrest (north of Frenchman Rd.). She stated that staff <br />recommended reviewing the land use designations and understanding more thoroughly if those are appropriate <br />with planned upgrades to the roads, future connections, and the Lino Lakes land use plan. Matze concluded by <br />asking the Commissioners if any additional areas should be studied, if any areas needed to be omitted or if there <br />were any additional concerns. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arcand asked staff if comments regarding eastern Hugo came from eastern Hugo residents. <br /> <br />Juba stated that the majority of residents in attendance at the eastern Hugo workshop were from eastern Hugo. <br />She stated that staff focused on getting them to participate in the discussion through individual letters. <br />