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Planning Commission <br />August 10, 2017 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Commissioner Tjernlund asked for clarification on the options the City has for serving eastern Hugo in the <br />future and how the Met Council is involved. <br /> <br />Juba stated that the City could utilize the flexible development ordinance if residents in eastern Hugo wanted to <br />be served with sewer or not. In either case, land would be preserved either for future development or for natural <br />resources. She stated that staff believed people who attended the eastern Hugo workshop seemed happy with <br />how things are operating currently, which would mean no changes and a 1 unit per 10 acre density. Juba stated <br />that staff doesn’t believe we have enough information currently to determine if eastern Hugo should be in the <br />long term sewer service area or not. She described that since the feasibility study was never finished, the City <br />doesn’t know for a fact if it’s even reasonable to sewer a part of eastern Hugo. Juba believed it was reasonable <br />to finish the feasibility study to get more information on the options the City has moving forward. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tjernlund asked if by finishing the study it would give more concrete choices to our residents. <br /> <br />Juba stated that if the study is finished and there is an area that will never be able to be served by sewer, it opens <br />up conversations with the Met Council about potentially having reduced property sizes in that area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Tjernlund stated that he is glad completing this study will open the door for more answers for <br />Hugo residents. He then asked staff what the goal was for studying the mixed use areas. <br /> <br />Kendra Lindahl, Planner with Landform, stated that staff hopes to define the potential future uses in these areas <br />while comparing them with the other surrounding uses. She stated that it is staff’s goal for developers and <br />residents to better understand what they can do with their property. <br /> <br />Matze concluded with describing the next steps with the Planning Commission and reviewing future meeting <br />dates. <br /> <br />Adjournment <br /> <br />Commissioner McRoberts made a motion, Commissioner Arcand seconded, to adjourn at 8:18 p.m. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Rachel Leitz, Community Development Assistant