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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 7.2018 <br />D.1 Moment of Silence for Sergeant Joe Bergeron <br />The Mayor will call for a moment of silence to remember Hugo resident and Maplewood Police <br />Sergeant Joe Bergeron who was killed in the line of duty eight years ago while responding to a <br />carj acking. <br />E.1 <br />Minutes for the April <br />11, <br />2018 Street Proiect Open House <br />E.2 <br />Minutes for the April <br />12, <br />2018 Local Board of Appeals and Equalization <br />E.3 <br />Minutes for the April <br />16, <br />2018 City Council Meeting <br />EA <br />Minutes for the April <br />28, <br />2018 Dedication Ceremony for Homes for Habitat <br />E.5 <br />Minutes for the April <br />28, <br />2018 Kidz In Biz Festival <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />G.l Good Neighbor Days — Lions Members Dan Balthazor and Craig Tract/ <br />The Hugo Good Neighbor Days Festival will be held Thursday, June 7th - Sunday, June 1 Oth in <br />Lions Park. The Hugo Lions Club will run the event similar to past years to include a parade, <br />music, food, beer garden, petting zoo, carnival rides, trout pond, and fireworks. Lions Dan <br />Balthazor and Craig Tracy will be in attendance to answer any questions the Council may have <br />and will request the Council co-sponsor the event by waiving the Special Event Permit fee and <br />providing police protection for the event, as in the past. <br />H.1 Approval of Claims <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />H.2 Approve Annual Performance Review for Parks Planner Shavla Denaway <br />Shayla Denaway was hired on May 11, 2009, as the Economic Development/Parks Intern. On <br />May 3, 2010, Council approved promoting Shayla as the new Parks Planner. Public Works <br />Director Scott Anderson recommends approval of the annual performance review for Parks <br />Planner Shayla Denaway <br />H.3 Approve Special Event Permit for Blue Heron Grill Tent Party on June 22 and 23, 2018 <br />The Blue Heron Bar and Grill, 14725 Victor Hugo Boulevard, has applied for a Special Event <br />Permit for their annual outdoor tent party to be held on Friday, June 22 and Saturday, June 23, <br />2018. A Special Event Permit approved by Council is necessary because alcohol will be sold <br />outdoors, over 200 people are expected to attend, it will extend after dark, and there will be <br />amplified music. Bands will play from 6-8 p.m. and 9-midmight on each day. The music will be <br />outdoors in a tent adjacent to the west entrance of the building. This event has been held for the <br />past five years with improvements made each year. Staff recommends Council approve the <br />Special Event Permit for the Blue Heron Grill Tent Party subject to the conditions in the memo to <br />Council. <br />