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HA Approve Special Event Permit for MS150 Bike Tour on June 10, 2018 <br />The MS Society has applied for a Special Event Permit for their annual bicycle event. This <br />requires a permit because there will be between 3,500-4,000 riders, and trails and streets in Hugo <br />will be used. The MS 150 is a fundraising event where riders begin in Duluth and ride to Century <br />College in White Bear Lake. The event will be held on June 9-10, 2018. On the second day, <br />riders will be traveling south through Hugo on the Hardwood Creek Trail and the shoulder of <br />TH61 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. MS 150 has contacted the Hugo Fire Department who <br />will be helping with first aid at the Bald Eagle Lake rest stop, and the Washington County <br />Sheriff's Office has been notified. The MS 150 has been held successfully for the past several <br />years. Staff recommends Council approve the Special Event Permit for the MS 150 on June 10, <br />2018 <br />H.5 Approve Special Event Permit for Technicolor Fun Run on June 9, 2018 <br />Children's Performing Arts has submitted a Special Event Permit application for approval of a 5K <br />Technicolor Run on Saturday, June 9, 2018. This event requires a Special Event Permit approved <br />by Council because the event is expected to draw between 150-300 participants and will include <br />the use of City property and trail. The Technicolor Run is a fund-raising community event that <br />will take place on the Hardwood Creek Trail and begin and end at Lions Park. This Color Run is <br />being held in conjunction with Hugo Good Neighbor Days, and the applicant has worked closely <br />with the Lions Club on the details of the event. The run is anticipated to be concluded by 10:30 <br />a.m. prior to the beginning of the Good Neighbor Days Parade at 11:00 a.m. Staff recommends <br />Council approve the Special Event Permit for the Technicolor Fun Run on June 9, 2018. <br />H.6 Approve Agreement with Elavon for Credit Card Merchant Account <br />City staff has been working on the implementation of the Accela software for online permitting <br />and planning. As part of this program, residents, contractors, and developers will be able to apply <br />online for building permits and planning applications and also submit payment for them online. <br />Staff has been researching vendors for the acceptance of credit cards and has chosen Elavon for the <br />credit card merchant account. Staff recommends Council approve the agreement with Elavon as <br />the vendor for online payments. <br />H.7 Approve Hiring of Public Works Seasonal Employees <br />At its February 5, 2018 meeting, Council approved the advertisement for seasonal employees in <br />the Hugo Public Works Department. Employees in this positon would assist in maintaining the <br />City's park system, building grounds, road patching, and other work as needed. Staff had <br />received applications, conducted interviews, and recommends Council approve the hiring Marty <br />Schwartz, Scott Marschke, Jack Menne, Roly Guareschi, and Kraig Pettee as Public Works <br />Seasonal Summer Employees for 2018. <br />H.8 Approve Final Plat and Development Agreement for Adelaide Landing 2nd Addition <br />The Excelsior Group is requesting approval of a final plat in order to plat 70 lots and 5 outlots on a <br />75 acre parcel located east of Highway 61 and north of 130th Street. The site is currently vacant. <br />The City Council reviewed the preliminary plat and PUD for Adelaide Landing at its May 1, 2017 <br />meeting. At its October 2, 2017, meeting, the City Council approved the final plat for the first <br />