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Ken Meek (Earth Science Associates, Inc.) submitted a MN Joint Application on behalf of Len Pratt (CPDC <br />Pratt Oakwood Ltd.) on April 27, 2018 requesting sequencing, sequencing flexibility, and wetland <br />replacement for the Oneka Place Development; formerly Leroux Site. The application was considered <br />complete on May 2, 2018. <br />The applicant is proposing to develop 176 single family homes on the 120 acre parcel. <br />A wetland boundary and type application was approved for the property on Januray 29, 2018. The approved <br />wetland delineation report identified 26 wetland basins on the property. The most common type of wetland <br />was type 2, but wetland types 1, 3, 5, and 7 were also identified in the report. <br />Two separate groundwater investigations were completed to better understand the hydrology of the site and <br />determine potential impacts to wetland hydrology from site devlopment. <br />The first report titled "Geotechnical Evaluation Report, Leroux Property, Oneka Parkway and Ethan Trail, <br />Hugo, MN" and dated May 16, 2017, reported findings from the installation of 16 borings throughout the <br />parcel with most of the borings concentrating on the western 2/3 of the parcel. The results of this report <br />indicate water elevations 0.1 to 4.9' below the ground surface with most of the 12 borings that were used in <br />the report indicating observed water within 1' of the ground surface. One station showed "no water <br />encountered". This report indicated that this was a perched layer of water and that the static water level was <br />below this layer. <br />The second report titled "Groundwater Investigation Report, Oneka Place, Hugo, MN 55038" and dated <br />March 2018, reported findings from a separate study that utilized nine (9) observation wells to determine the <br />static groundwater level. These wells were 24 to 35' deep. Results indicate that the static groundwater <br />elevation ranged from 5.55 to 20.03' below grade, with an average of 13.25' below grade. Average <br />groundwater elevation was 911.73'. Wetland bottom elevations range from 912 to 925.5' with an average <br />bottom elevation of 918.57'. <br />Based on these reports it appears wetland hydrology is driven by lateral movement of the perched <br />groundwater and surface runoff within the individual contributing drainage areas (CDA), with minimal to no <br />interaction between wetland hydrology and groundwater. Wetland to groundwater hydrology may be limited <br />to acquifer recharge from downward flow of water from wetland basins to the acquifer. <br />To further evalutae impacts to wetland basins from surface drainage alteration from development, a review <br />of CDA volumes and rates were completed using P8 modeling. This analysis showed that existing surface <br />hydrology to wetlands would be maintinaed with proposed development in both the 2 year and 100 year <br />storm events. <br />The applicant is proposing to permanantly impact eight (8) wetland basins from a combination of excavation <br />and fill activities. These impacts total 0.91 acres. <br />Sequencing Flexibility <br />The applicant has requested sequencing flexibility for impacts to seven (7) of the wetland basins proposed to <br />be impacted. This request is based on a MnRAM Functional Assessment of all wetland basins proposed to <br />be impacted. Results of the analysis showed that 7 of the 8 wetland basins are classified as manage 3; with <br />most wetland functions described as low. Wetland L was classified as a Preserve and it is not included in <br />the request for sequencing flexibility. <br />The 7 wetland basins for which sequencing flexibility is being requested (basins B, BB, D, E, F, I, and P) <br />mainly consist of reed canary grass and meet the requirements described under MN Rule 8420.0520 subp. <br />7a. <br />BWSR Forms 11-25-09 Page 2 of 6 <br />