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Sequencing <br />MN Rule 8420.0520 lists specific sequencing requirements. As part of the applicant's sequencing process <br />ten (10) alternatives were considered as part of project planning. Five (5) of these alternatives resulted in <br />no wetland impacts to the site. <br />The first was the no -build option. This alternative was rejected since its does not meet the project purpose <br />and does not meet the physical, economic, or demographic requirements of the project. <br />Alternatives 2-5 involved an alternative location search. Four (4) alternate locations were considered for <br />development to meet the project purpose. The search criteria included inclusion in the Metropolitan Urban <br />Service Area (MUSA), existing access road connections, a large (-80-acre footprint), minimal wetlands, <br />and be located within Hugo. Alternative sites 1-4 were rejected since they did not meet the search criteria <br />or resulted in increased wetland impacts. <br />Minimization efforts involved five (5) alternative site designs. Alterations of the site included moving <br />roadways, removing and reconfiguring lots, and adding retaining walls. Impacts were reduced from 2.86 <br />acres to 0.91 with the current design. <br />Wetland Replacement <br />The applicant's proposed alternative to develop the site will result in 0.91 acres of permanent impact to <br />eight (8) type 2 wetlands. These basins include wetlands B, BB, D, E, F, I, L, and P. <br />MN Rule 8420.0522 requires that wetland impacts be replaced at a 2.5:1 ratio. The applicant has requested <br />the ratio be reduced by 0.5:1 since replacement for the impacted wetlands will be withdrawn from an <br />approved wetland bank site within the same major watershed (#20-Mississippi River -Twin Cities). The <br />resulting replacement ratio is 2:1. <br />The applicant is proposing to purchase 1.82 acres of type 3 and 4 wetland credit from wetland bank #1649. <br />BWSR siting requirements for wetland replacement require applicants follow the priority order of using <br />credits within in the same minor watershed, the same major watershed, the same bank service area (BSA), <br />and in another BSA. There are no approved wetland credits within the Hardwood Creek minor watershed, <br />therefore the applicant is proposing to use credits from wetland bank 1649 which is in the same major <br />watershed (#20-Mississippi River -Twin Cities). The application includes a purchase agreement for 1.82 <br />acres of wetland credits from wetland bank 1649. <br />Special Considerations <br />The applicant has addressed MN Rule 8420.0515 subps. 1-10. The development and resulting wetland <br />impacts will not have an adverse impact on rare natural communities, endangered or threatened species, <br />archeological sites, groundwater, sensitive surface waters, nor does the site support educational or research <br />uses, or contain a waste disposal site and is consistent with other plans. <br />BwsR Forms 11-25-09 Page 3 of 6 <br />