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Leroux Parcel - Legal Descriptions <br />Parcel A: <br />South One -Haff of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 31 North of Range 21 West, Washington County <br />Minnesota. <br />EXCEPTING: The South 225 feet of the East 350 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of <br />Section 7, Township 31 North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Abstract Property <br />Parcel B: <br />South One -Haff of the Southwest Quarter (S "/a of SW '/) of Section Number Seven (7), in Township Number <br />Thirty-one (31) North, of Range Twenty-one (21) West, and containing according to the United States Survey, <br />eighty-three and seventy one -hundredths (83.70) acres, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />EXCEPTING: The Southwest Quarter (SW '/ of Southwest'/ ) of Section Number Seven (7), in Township <br />Number Thirty-one (31) North, of Range Number Twenty-one (21), and containing forty-three and seventy one - <br />hundredths (43.70) acres, more or less, Washington County, Minnesota, <br />ALSO EXCEPTING: The South 225 feet of the East 350 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of <br />Section 7, Township 31 North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Torrens Property <br />Parcel C: <br />The South 225 feet of the East 350 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township <br />31 North, Range 21 West, Washington County, Minnesota. <br />Torrens Property <br />