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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING ON JULY 16, 2018 <br />D.1 Approval of Minutes for the July 2, 2018 City Council Meeting <br />Staff recommends Council approve the above minutes as presented. <br />F.1 Donation from Bald Eagle Sportsman Association to Hugo Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Nick Baumann from the Bald Eagle Sportsman Association will present a donation to the Hugo <br />Yellow Ribbon Network. <br />F.2 Donation from White Bear Lake Lions Club to the Hugo Yellow Ribbon Network <br />The White Bear Lake Lions Club Gambling Manager Jim Francis will present a donation to the <br />Hugo Yellow Ribbon Network. <br />F.3 Lakes Center for Youth & Families Annual Report — Executive Director Matt Howard <br />The Lakes Center for Youth & Family Services, located in Forest Lake, had been providing <br />counseling services to youth and families in the City of Hugo for at least the past 20 years. <br />Executive Director Matt Howard will be presenting their 2017 annual report to Council. <br />G. 1 Approve Claims Roster <br />Staff recommends Council approve the Claims Roster as presented. <br />G.2 Approve Resolution Appointing Election Judges for 2018 Primary and General <br />Election <br />Hugo City Clerk Michele Lindau would like to appoint 37 individuals to serve as election judges <br />for the City of Hugo's Primary and General Elections in 2018. All election judges will receive <br />two hours of training, and many of the judges have served in several past elections. Staff <br />recommends the Council approve the resolution appointing election judges for the Primary and <br />General Elections for 2018. <br />G.3 Approve Renewal of Mining Permit for Mike Atkinson <br />The Mining Permit for Mike Atkinson on his property located on the south side of 147th Street <br />between Irish and Hyde Avenue expires on August 1, 2018. Atkinson has applied for a renewal <br />the permit for another two years. For the past several years, the site has been used to stockpile <br />material, with no mining activity taking place. When the permit was renewed in 2012, the <br />Council allowed the Atkinsons to move forward with the Mining Permit renewal process without <br />all the conditions being met until the time mining operations began again, due to the cost of <br />meeting those conditions. The requirements not being met are to biannually provide a <br />topographic map of the site, calculation of stockpiled material, amount of granular material left <br />on site to be mined, and a reclamation plan. Staff visited the site on July 11, 2018, and found <br />there have been no changes on the property. Staff recommends Council approve the Mining <br />Permit for Mike Atkinson for property located on 147th Street North with the condition that all <br />requirements in the permit be met when mining activity begins <br />