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GA Approve Renewal of Electrical Inspection Service Agreement for Brian Nelson <br />Inspection Services, Inc. <br />The City has been in a contract with Brian Nelson Inspection Services, Inc. to perform electrical <br />inspections in the City. His current contract states he is paid 70% of the permit fees collected for <br />completed inspections. Brian is requesting the contract be amended with an increase to 75%, which <br />is equal to the state's percentage. Staff feels this is a reasonable request and recommends Council <br />approve the amended Electrical Inspection Services Agreement with Brian Nelson Inspection <br />Services, Inc. <br />G.5 Approve Location of Drug Takeback Box at Hugo City Hall <br />In the past, Council has indicated an interest in having a drug takeback box to be located at Hugo <br />City Hall. This would be a part of Washington County's drug takeback program that provides a <br />place for residents to get rid of unwanted medications in a safe manner. The box would be located <br />in the northeast corner of the lobby. This box would be anchored to the wall or floor and monitored <br />by the Washington County Sheriff's Office. Staff recommends Council approve the location of a <br />drug takeback box to be located in the lobby at Hugo City Hall. <br />G.6 Approve Temporary Liquor License for Hugo Lions Club for Wilson Tool Picnic on <br />August 11, 2018 <br />The Hugo Lions Club has submitted an application for a Temporary Liquor License to serve <br />alcohol at the Wilson Tool picnic on Saturday, August 11, 2018. The picnic will be held at the <br />Hanifl Fields. Staff recommends Council approve the Temporary Liquor License for the Hugo <br />Lions Club. <br />J.1 The Preserve on Sunset Lake Sketch Plan <br />Shlayba Inc. (Cheldon Frank) is requesting review and comments on a sketch plan for <br />subdivision of the 135 acre site for the development of 13 single family homes to be known as <br />The Preserve on Sunset Lake. The property has existing wetlands, but is primarily farm fields. <br />The homes will be located on 5-acre to 10 acre lots located off a cul-de-sac in the center of the <br />site. Each lot would have its own well and septic system on site. The applicant would retain a <br />23.4 acre site as open space owned by the Homeowners Association (HOA) and dedicate an <br />outlot north of 125ffi Street to the City for an expansion of an existing City owned park parcel. <br />The overall density of the project is 1 unit per 10.38 acres. Staff will present the sketch plan to <br />the City Council and provide updates from the Planning Commission and Parks Commission. <br />Staff recommends the City Council review the plan and provide comments to the applicant. <br />L.1 Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will report to Council on the Yellow Ribbon <br />Network activities held recently. <br />M.1 Commission Interviews Tuesday, July 47, 2018 <br />Interviews have been scheduled for all commission applicants for Tuesday, July 17, 2018. There <br />are six candidates. Interviews will begin at 6 p.m. <br />