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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 16, 2018 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br /> <br />one unit per ten acres. The homes would be located on 5-acre to 10-acre lots located off a cul- <br />de-sac in the center of the site, so the overall density of the project would be one unit per 10.38 <br />acres. The applicant would retain a 23.4 acre site as open space owned by the Homeowners <br />Association (HOA) and dedicate an outlot north of 125th Street to the City for expansion of an <br />existing City owned park parcel. Another outlot would be lake access for one of the lots. Each <br />lot would have its own well and septic system on site. The applicant was looking for comments <br />on the concept plan. The next steps would be to apply to rezone the property from Rural <br />Residential (RR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and apply for a PUD General Plan and <br />Preliminary Plat. <br /> <br />Juba updated the Council on the discussions at the Planning Commission and the Parks <br />Commission. Comments were made on integrating all lots into the development to ensure <br />adequate access to the open space, and reconfigure some lots to not encroach on the wetland. <br />They agreed with the dedication of a 1.20 acre strip of land along the southwest side of Sunset <br />Lake for expansion of an existing City owned park property (.71 acres) that was dedicated to the <br />City with the Royal Haven Estates development. This property has not been improved. <br /> <br />Council talked about the lots that were disconnected from the development and whether they <br />should be included because there may be future benefits. Juba was also asked to clarify the <br />parkland dedication requirements, and she replied they would be paying some in land and the <br />remainder in cash. There was a question on whether the cul-de-sacs caused concern regarding <br />emergency access, and Juba replied that it had been discussed, and there were no concerns. Juba <br />was asked to provide information on the parcel extending across the street on the southeast <br />corner of the development, and she explained it could be sold to an adjacent property owner or <br />dedicated as right-of-way for CSAH7. There was a question on the parcel dedicated for lake <br />access for one lot and whether there would be trespassing issues. Juba agreed there was potential <br />for that. Water reuse was discussed, and it was explained there was a pond, but it was not certain <br />whether it would be big enough for water reuse. <br /> <br />The developer Cheldon Frank and his engineer, Todd Erickson, introduced themselves to <br />Council. They talked about the lots not being connected and explained they would still be a part <br />of the HOA and development. They also talked about the changes they made to provide all lots <br />access to the existing wetland and trails, in response the Planning Commission’s comments. <br />Wetlands and infiltration was discussed and Erickson commented that taking the land out of farm <br />production will likely help lake quality. They also stated they would be having discussions with <br />the County on dedicating the southeast corner land as right-a-way. <br /> <br />Approve a Wetland Replacement Plan for Schwieters Company <br /> <br />Staff added this item to the agenda to consider an amendment to the previously approved <br />wetland replacement plan for the Schwieters development. The applicant was required to <br />purchase credits from a wetland bank for replacement of the impact to the wetlands, and they <br />were approved to purchase credits from Bank #1522, which are no longer available. They were <br />now requesting to purchase credits from Bank #1618. <br /> <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the wetland credits be purchased from Bank <br />#1618. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />