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2018.10.01 CC Packet
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2018.10.01 CC Packet
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conforming auto body service station use. At its September 13, 2018, meeting, the Planning <br />Commission held a public hearing and considered the request. There was no one that spoke <br />during the public hearing except the applicant to provide background on the request. Staff <br />recommends approval of the conditional use permit to the Planning Commission. The Planning <br />Commission agreed that the application met the criteria to approve a conditional use permit and <br />unanimously recommend approval of the conditional use permit to expand the legal non- <br />conforming use for the property located at 5725 148th Street. Staff recommends Council approve <br />the Resolution approving the CUP. <br />G.6 Approve Release of Letter of Credit for Prairie Village 3rd Addition <br />Prairie Village 3rd Addition has had significant work completed to date and the Excelsior Group <br />is requesting to release the letter of credit. The current letter of credit is in the amount of <br />$139,300. Staff has inspected the work completed to date and the warranty periods have expired. <br />Staff recommends the release of the letter of credit for Prairie Village 3rd Addition. <br />G.7 Approve the Release of Letter of Credit for Good Life Senior Living <br />Good Life Senior Living has had significant work completed to date and the applicant is <br />requesting to release the letter of credit. The current letter of credit is in the amount of $40,000. <br />Staff has inspected the work completed to date and recommends the release of the letter of credit <br />for Good Life Senior Living. <br />G.8 Approve Resolution and Letter of Support for Boundary Changes in the Browns Creek <br />Watershed District and the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) has analyzed and identified certain discrepancies in the <br />common boundary between the Brown's Creek Watershed District (BCWD) and the RCWD. <br />The discrepancies arise because of differences between the boundaries as established by State <br />order and the hydrologic boundaries as determined by modern mapping information. RCWD <br />had conducted hydrologic boundary field investigation in January, 2018, and has developed a <br />revised boundary for inclusion in a petition to the Board of Water and Soil Resources. MN <br />Statute requires the petition be approved by the governing body and each watershed district <br />having jurisdiction of the territory proposed to be changed. BCWD has reviewed and agreed <br />with the revised hydrologic and legal boundary changes. Staff recommends Council approve the <br />resolution approving the letter of concurrence for changes to the watershed district boundaries. <br />G.9 Approve Acceptance of the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) and <br />Authorize Purchase of New SCBA Equipment for the Hugo Fire Department <br />On September 7, 2018 the Hugo Fire Department was awarded an AFG Grant from FEMA in the <br />amount of $160,833. This grant was awarded for the purchase of new SCBA air packs, bottles, <br />and face pieces. A requirement of the grant is that the City must contribute $8,041, a 5% match <br />of the grant funds awarded. The new SCBA equipment will be purchased through the Houston - <br />Galveston Area Council (HGAC). Staff recommends that Council approve acceptance of the <br />FEMA AFG Grant and authorize the purchase of new SCBA equipment for the Hugo Fire <br />Department. <br />
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