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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 1, 2018 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />Assessments for Oneka Lake Boulevard/Harrow Avenue Street Improvement Project <br />At its September 4, 2018, meeting, the Council adopted a resolution declaring costs to be <br />assessed for the Oneka Lake Boulevard and Harrow Avenue Improvement Project and scheduled <br />the hearing on the proposed assessments for this evening. The Notice of Assessment Hearing had <br />been published in the official newspaper and mailed to the owners of each parcel described in the <br />assessment roll. Engineer Mark Erichson presented a summary of the project, the assessment <br />process, and related costs of the project. <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. After hearing no comments, Weidt closed the public <br />hearing. <br />Petryk made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2018-31 ADOPTING <br />ASSESSMENTS FOR THE ONEKA LAKE BOULEVARD AND HARROW AVENUE <br />IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />Ayes: Haas Klein Petryk Miron Weidt. <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Approve IUP for Solar Farm on 16511 Street North <br />At its September 17, 2018, meeting the Council considered an application from Fast Sun, LLC, <br />for approval of an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for a solar farm to be located north of 165t' Street <br />North and west of Henna Avenue North. Mayor Weidt had opened the meeting to take <br />comments from the public. After discussion, Council directed staff to revise the IUP to include <br />more frequent reviews, trees to be eight feet when planted and maintained, landscape to be <br />setback 30-feet from west property line, chain link fence to be black vinyl coated, and the <br />decommissioning plan to include a provision that insufficient funds would be assessed against <br />the property. Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained that staff had updated <br />the IUP per the discussion by the City Council and recommended approval of the IUP for the <br />solar farm, subject to the conditions listed in the IUP. <br />Council discussed the need to have the grass cut more often, and Rachel explained that staff <br />would note that when reviewing the maintenance plan. They liked the taller trees and discussed <br />the screening on the east side of the property line. Residents asked the trees be moved further to <br />the west, but Council felt that would make it difficult to maintain the grass on the east. The <br />Council agreed it would be best to locate the trees 30 feet from the property line, same as <br />required on the west side. <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2018-32 APPROVING AN <br />INTERIM USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A SOLAR FARM ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH <br />OF 165TH STREET NORTH AND WEST OF HENNA AVENUE NORTH, with changes <br />discussed to move trees 30 feet from property line. <br />Ayes: Miron, Petryk, Haas, Klein, Weidt. <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />