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2018.10.15 CC Packet
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2018.10.15 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 1, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />Approve Resolution Accepting Plans and Specifications and Advertisin for Bids for Water <br />Tower No. 4 <br />A Comprehensive Water Supply Plan completed in 2008 identified the need for additional water <br />supply and storage. Later in 2008, a location study was completed to determine viable site(s) <br />where both a water tower and well could be constructed. City Engineer Mark Erichson <br />explained the City had then proceeded to find a parcel meeting necessary parameters and <br />acquired the property on the south side of 125th street, approximately 1750-ft east of TH 61. <br />Since that time, Well 46 was constructed on this site in 2010 and has been in operation since that <br />time. The design and construction of the water tower was delayed due to the economic down <br />turn that resulted in slower growth within the community. The City had continued to monitor <br />water demand based on existing and projected use and identified the need to construct additional <br />water storage at this time. Staff had completed the preparation of plans and specifications for the <br />1,500,000 gallon Water Tower No. 4 improvements. Mark explained that the tentative schedule <br />for the water tower project was to receive bids in November 2018, with construction of piling <br />and foundation work to start as early as late fall/early winter of 2018. Completion of the water <br />tower improvements were anticipated to be the summer of 2020. Staff had recommended <br />Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids. <br />There was discussion regarding the tower on 130t" Street and Fenway Boulevard. Erichson <br />explained there was a substantial cost to rehabilitate the tower, and the new higher tower would <br />allow operation with one system. Haas suggested using the old tower as a reservoir to store <br />water from Clearwater Creek for reuse. Erichson further explained the leased space on the old <br />tower would be relocated, and there was space at the base of the new tower to store the utilities <br />inside so they would not be visible. <br />Klein asked about connections to other cities, and City Administrator Bryan Bear explained that <br />the township was in close proximity, and could possibility share when it's developed. <br />Petryk said that she had talked with residents in the Fox Meadows Development, and there were <br />concerns that some of the homes would be in the shadow of the tower. She asked how close the <br />nearest house would be. Erichson estimated it to be about 400 feet, and stated the shadows <br />would be minimal. He invited anyone with questions to contact the City. <br />Miron said he had several residents ask about it during National Night Out Events. There were <br />no upset comments, just curiosity. He asked about what future additional capacity the City <br />would need to have in the system. Erichson responded there were many factors to consider and <br />pointed out that the water reuse projects have delayed the investment in infrastructure. <br />Bear commented that a driving factor is water pressure, which is very low in some areas. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2018-33 APPROVING <br />PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR <br />THE WATER TOWER NO. 4 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />Ayes: Klein, Haas, Petryk, Miron, Weidt <br />Nays: None <br />
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